Mme Hale Archive Notes

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Posted: June 21, 2010

It is officially the first day of summer and this is my last official morning message for the school year of 2009-2010.  Can you believe it is summer already?  The beautiful weather that we had on the weekend sure reminded me that it was time for the children to be out enjoying the weather and not in a classroom. This week we have lots of fun in store!  We have our JMH Track and Field Meet on Wednesday June 23rd which will have us away from the school for most of the day.  Remember to dress appropriately for the weather and bring lots of water and a bagged lunch!  On Thursday, we get to go for our annual trip to the park!  I gave the students prices today in their EAGLES books of the two choices of meals that they have and these will get delivered right to the park.  There is a slice of pizza and a pop for $2.50, or 2 pieces of chicken, order of taters and a pop for $5.00 (prices include all taxes).  We are asking that the students bring in their money and place their orders by Tuesday so that the store can be aware of how much food they will need to supply for this day! Just one further reminder, Friday is the final day of school for this year and it is only a half a day. The buses will be leaving at 11:30.  Next year when you come into Blackville School you all will be officially middle-schoolers!  Thank you for being the amazing class that you were all year, it is students like you that make my job so rewarding!  Have a super summer and I wish you the best of luck in the future!

Posted: June 17, 2010

I hope all of you are as excited as I am!  It is finally here!  End of the year field trip!! Just wanted to remind everyone to bring their sunscreen as it is going to be a scorcher!  They are calling for the mercury to reach 29 degrees Celsius!  I also would recommend some bug spray, because we are going to a camp!  Pack lots of goodies in a bagged lunch to replenish the body's energy after all the climbing and canoeing!  Remember, the bus leaves at 8:35, don't be late for school!

Posted: June 14, 2010

Only nine and a half more school days before the final day of school.  I have to say that my students are very well behaved for this time of the year and I am proud of how well they are working considering the beautiful weather. We are all excited for our big field trip this Friday to Camp Sheldrake and the long range forcast is calling for an incredible, sunny day!  Don't forget to pack their sunscreen. This week we will be busy learning about the human body in Science, ancient Greece in Social Studies, making healthy choices in Health, training for our track and field meet in Physical Education and finally finishing up our novel study on the Mystery at Cranberry Farm in Literacy.  Even though we are on our final weeks, we still have much work to finish up before the end of the year!  Hopefully the students will continue to behave as wonderfully as they have been for the final nine and a half days!  Bring on the summer!!

Posted: June 8, 2010

Only three weeks to go!  Where did the year go? I am excited to report that this week will be our final week of our chicken mummification process.  We will be wrapping up our chickens and digging our hole to bury them in.  I can't wait to finish this 6 week process, and hopefully this will be an activity that my students will always remember. As well this week, we are starting to learn all about the digestive system of the human body for science.  I have a passion for knowledge about the human body, and I am hoping that my passion rubs off on my students.  It is a fascinating machine, and through the next 3 weeks the students will learn all about all of its different mechanisms. Next week is our class field-trip to Camp Sheldrake on Friday June 18th.  Each student is asked to bring in $5 to help cover the cost of the bus trip and the camp registration. I wish all my students the best of luck trying to get through these next three weeks.  I know they would rather be outside on these nice days, but it is my goal to make the last three weeks unforgettable for my students!  Hopefully this way the days will not go by so slowly!

Posted: June 4, 2010

Today we were blessed to have the expertise of Mrs. Darlene MacDonald join Grade 5TH to do a presentation on healthy food choices.  She did a terrific job educating our class on the amount of fat and sugar in every day foods that they might like to eat.  The students were so well behaved and interested in everything that she was telling them.  Thank you Mrs. MacDonald!  Hopefully the students will think and make healthy choices now that they are informed!

Posted: June 4, 2010

Blackville School participated in a 15 minute walk for disability awareness.  The elementary school did their walk during their dinner hour and we were joined by Mrs. Barry who is District 16's Physical Education Mentor.  She shared with the school how grateful we should be to live normal active lifestyles.  Check out the image gallery to see more pictures of our class!

Posted: June 1, 2010

In September we all knew that the Grade 5s had their Provincial Math Assessment in June, who ever thought it would come so quickly!?  I want to take this time to wish all my students the best of luck in these next two days, that is really going to feel like a math marathon, but hang in there and it will be over before you know it.  I know you will all do super!  Get lots of rest and study your math facts!  Good luck class!

Posted: May 30, 2010

Can you believe it?!  It is the first week of June already!  Where has the time gone?  I am having so much fun with my amazing class, I really don't want it to end!  This week marks the days for our Provincial Math Assessment.  They will be written on Wednesday and Thursday first thing in the morning in the cafeteria.  I am sure you will all do wonderful, and all Mrs. Turcotte's hard work will pay off.  She has put tons of hard work into my students, so MAKE HER PROUD CLASS!!! As well, we will be finally wrapping up our "Chicken Mummies" in linen and getting their sarcophagus all dressed up and ready to burry.  I am looking foward to seeing the end product.  These have been 6 weeks in the making, and I am hoping they work.  I guess we will see in 2 or 3 years from now. Only 20 more days of school left!  Hang in there everybody and lets make the most of our final days!

Posted: May 26, 2010

Our class did a very interesting experiment last week on finding how much fat a Big Mac had.  Check out our pictures on the right hand side.   We blended a Big Mac with 700ml of water and let it settle for a day.  The fat is the yellow layer, second layer down in the container Brett is holding.  Check it out!!!
Wow...what a weekend!!  I hope all of my students are as well rested as I am, and ready for a short school week filled of adventure and learning! I am excited to report that Mr. Rodney Buggie from District 16's MOVE Adventures will be joining us this morning for an hour to give an in-class  canoeing session, to teach the basics that they will need for their Thursday's canoeing trip to MVHS.  Don't forget to bring your bathing suits, towels, and a bagged lunch for this special trip.  As we near the end of our acedemic journey in Grade 5, it also marks the end of the Annual Elementary School Track and Field Field Day at JMH track.  This year the event will be held on June 23rd.  In preparation for this event, we will be spending the next four weeks conditioning and training for this fun-filled day of running and throwing.  I want the students to be in tip-top shape so that when they run their hardest they will not be experiencing feelings of illness due to their overexertion.  Come prepared to run every Phys. Ed. class! Just a little note for parents, that I feel is important to mention.  Many students are not completing assigned homework, especially in math as I am noticing these notes in the students' EAGLES books.  It is important to realize that Math Assessments are starting next week, so please keep up your hard work on homework duty until these are over.  Only 23 more school days remain, and I understand and sypmathize as a parent myself, as I am sick of the homework duty too, but the end is on the horizon and let's make the best of this academic year.  I am just asking a little favor to please remember to be vigilant and check your child's EAGLES book for homework, or class notices on a NIGHTLY basis. I will close by reminding you that there are good rectangles, and bad rectangles in life.  The good rectangles are the dinner table and books, the bad rectangles are the TV, video games, and computers.  I encourage you to spend some good "rectangle time" with your adorable children, and you will be giving them a wonderful gift.  The gifts of reading and knowledge.  Children learn from adult-child conversations, like that you would have with your family at the dinner table.  They also learn from reading...take five minutes and read to your me, even ten or eleven year-olds love to be read to.   
I am extremely pleased to announce this year's recipient of the Turn Around Achievement Award is Brett Duffy of Grade 5TH! Congratulations Brett! You are a tremendous student and always try your best!  Keep up the great work Brett!!  Brett will receive his award at a special ceremony at the Rodd in Miramichi on Thursday, May 27.  Way to go Brett!

Posted: May 22, 2010

Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday May 24th due to the Victoria Day Holiday.  Enjoy the day everybody!
I am pleased to announce that Nicole Hallihan of Grade 5TH was chosen as Blackville School's student of the week.  Nicole received such an honor for always being a tremendous student and for her beautiful smile that always lights up her classroom.  Congratulations Nicole, and thanks for making Grade 5TH such a fun class!

Posted: May 19, 2010

I just wanted to let all the parents know that Mr. Carter's Writing 110 class was busy the last week or two updating the The Blackville Talon. I hope all of you can find some time to surf the online newspaper and also encourage your children to check it out. Below are some highlights:Main Page: important are extra-curricular activities to high school students? made the People's Picks this month? of the Healthy Eating Poster Contest and their works of art! Elementary student wins environmental contest Girls Volleyball Update Man II Film Feedback
I am very excited for this week!  I have lots of fun things planned, starting today with our Health class experiment.  I am going to show the students the fat in a Big Mac.  Stay tuned for some pictures. As well, the students are starting to present many incredible Ancient China projects.  I am very pleased with the quality of presentations that I have received thus far, and am looking forward to seeing many more this week.  Just a reminder that these projects are due the first of June, so there are only two weeks left to work on them. It is sad that we do not have Mr. Case here with us this week, but the class is adjusting well to me again. It is our end of unit Science test on Wednesday, and today I will be giving the students their study notes for this unit.  I am confident that they will all do well on the test, as our hands-on-activites that we do in class are sticking with them.  I am starting our Ancient Greece unit in Social Studies and this will be our last unit for the rest of the year.  I am very anxious to start the baseball unit in Phys. Ed with the students, as to me there is no other sport (besides gymnastics) that is this fun!!! I am looking forward to being in the class full-time with my students again this week and getting lots of work done as we only have 6 weeks of school left before we end our journey together.  Enjoy the sunshine everyone, it is going to be a GREAT week!!!
