Weekly Message for May 31-June 4

Posted: May 30, 2010

Can you believe it?!  It is the first week of June already!  Where has the time gone?  I am having so much fun with my amazing class, I really don't want it to end!  This week marks the days for our Provincial Math Assessment.  They will be written on Wednesday and Thursday first thing in the morning in the cafeteria.  I am sure you will all do wonderful, and all Mrs. Turcotte's hard work will pay off.  She has put tons of hard work into my students, so MAKE HER PROUD CLASS!!! As well, we will be finally wrapping up our "Chicken Mummies" in linen and getting their sarcophagus all dressed up and ready to burry.  I am looking foward to seeing the end product.  These have been 6 weeks in the making, and I am hoping they work.  I guess we will see in 2 or 3 years from now. Only 20 more days of school left!  Hang in there everybody and lets make the most of our final days!