Weekly Message for May 25th-May 28th

Posted: May 25, 2010

Wow...what a weekend!!  I hope all of my students are as well rested as I am, and ready for a short school week filled of adventure and learning! I am excited to report that Mr. Rodney Buggie from District 16's MOVE Adventures will be joining us this morning for an hour to give an in-class  canoeing session, to teach the basics that they will need for their Thursday's canoeing trip to MVHS.  Don't forget to bring your bathing suits, towels, and a bagged lunch for this special trip.  As we near the end of our acedemic journey in Grade 5, it also marks the end of the Annual Elementary School Track and Field Field Day at JMH track.  This year the event will be held on June 23rd.  In preparation for this event, we will be spending the next four weeks conditioning and training for this fun-filled day of running and throwing.  I want the students to be in tip-top shape so that when they run their hardest they will not be experiencing feelings of illness due to their overexertion.  Come prepared to run every Phys. Ed. class! Just a little note for parents, that I feel is important to mention.  Many students are not completing assigned homework, especially in math as I am noticing these notes in the students' EAGLES books.  It is important to realize that Math Assessments are starting next week, so please keep up your hard work on homework duty until these are over.  Only 23 more school days remain, and I understand and sypmathize as a parent myself, as I am sick of the homework duty too, but the end is on the horizon and let's make the best of this academic year.  I am just asking a little favor to please remember to be vigilant and check your child's EAGLES book for homework, or class notices on a NIGHTLY basis. I will close by reminding you that there are good rectangles, and bad rectangles in life.  The good rectangles are the dinner table and books, the bad rectangles are the TV, video games, and computers.  I encourage you to spend some good "rectangle time" with your adorable children, and you will be giving them a wonderful gift.  The gifts of reading and knowledge.  Children learn from adult-child conversations, like that you would have with your family at the dinner table.  They also learn from reading...take five minutes and read to your child...trust me, even ten or eleven year-olds love to be read to.