Ms. Duffy Notes

Grade 2


Posted: May 17, 2022


Grade 5 students/parents please send in the following pictures for end of the year slideshow. You can send in a hard copy or e-mail a digital copy to I am asking that all photos be in by Monday. 

·        Baby photo

·        School age photo (K-2)

·        Current photo


Posted: May 17, 2022

Les Devoirs

·        Read

·        Math sheet

·        Gym Clothes

·        Spell-a-thon (pledges due)

·        Grade 5 photos

·        Maker Fair May 19th – BBQ see price list on order form.


Spell-a-thon: Spell-a-thon tests were sent home today. Please turn in pledges in by Thursday.


Pledges due May 19th

Award Day May 20th


Spell-a-thon: Video










il y a

There will be no Mots Fréquents words for this week. Instead, students will be given the chance to study their Spell-a-thon words.

Practice video – reading one word at a time with words on screen.

Practice video- reading one word at a time with blank screen (without words).


Reading: Please read guided reading book at least three nights this week.  


Jeu d’équipe

Besoin d’un ami ch 4-6

Les garçons ne dansent pas ! ch 4

Le triste Chien ch 3


Math: Students will be finishing the unit on measurement – using perimeter and area. Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape and area is the amount of space withing the perimeter of a 2D shape. Grade 5’s also started volume which is the amount of space an object occupies.

p= a+b+c+d

a= largeur x longeur

v= longeur x largeur x hauteur


Homework Help Video grade 4 (perimeter)

Homework Help Video grade 5 (volume)


Grade 5: Please send in pictures for end of the year slideshow. You can send in a hard copy or e-mail a digital copy to

·        Baby photo

·        School age photo (K-2)

·        Current photo


Mlle Duffy

Posted: May 15, 2022

Les Devoirs

·        Read

·        Math sheet

·        Gym Clothes

·        Spell-a-thon (test Tues)

·        Grade 5 photos

·        Grade 4 shoe box

·        Maker Fair May 19th


Spell-a-thon: Students took home spell-a-thon packs the week before lastStudents are encouraged to gather pledges or sponsors for the spell-a-thon. Proceeds will go towards end of the year field trips.


Test Day May 17th  

Pledges due May 19th

Award Day May 20th


Spell-a-thon: Video










il y a

There will be no Mots Fréquents words for this week. Instead, students will be given the chance to study their Spell-a-thon words.

Practice video – reading one word at a time with words on screen.

Practice video- reading one word at a time with blank screen (without words).


Reading: Please read guided reading book at least three nights this week.  


Jeu d’équipe

Besoin d’un ami ch 4-6

Les garçons ne dansent pas ! ch 4

Le triste Chien ch 3


Math: Students will be finishing the unit on measurement – using perimeter and area. Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape and area is the amount of space withing the perimeter of a 2D shape. Grade 5’s also started volume which is the amount of space an object occupies.

p= a+b+c+d

a= largeur x longeur

v= longeur x largeur x hauteur


Homework Help Video grade 4 (perimeter)

Homework Help Video grade 5 (volume)


 After School pick up/bus: Students can have one after school drop off location. If students are going to a different location, they will need to be picked up after school. Any changes to bussing must be arranged through the office and not the bus driver. Please be sure to send a note to school or get in contact with the office if students are being picked up after school.


Mlle Duffy

Posted: May 12, 2022

Just reminder that we will attending an POW Wow at NSER tomorrow. Students are asked to bring a bagged lunch, preferably one that does not have to be heated. We are leaving at 9:15 am and will be back sometime after 12:30. 

Any  students interested in purchasing from the BBQ may 19th, please return your order form tomorrow. 


Mlle Duffy 

Posted: May 11, 2022

The Jamboree is cancelled due to lack of interest. 

Posted: May 10, 2022

Hey parents,

Please check your child’s agenda. There was information sent home yesterday about a field trip we are taking Friday and some upcoming dates.

There was also a Smash Ball (volleyball) notice sent home today and another notice concerning a BBQ will be sent home tomorrow.

This is a busy time of year and there is a lot going on so there will be more notices coming. Please take a peek at your child’s agenda sign it each night.


Mlle Duffy


Posted: May 9, 2022

Les Devoirs (Mai 9-13th)

·        Read

·        Math sheet

·        Gym Clothes

·        Spell-a-thon


Spell-a-thon: Students took home spell-a-thon packs last weekStudents are encouraged to gather pledges or sponsors for the spell-a-thon. Proceeds will go towards end of the year field trips.


Test Day May 17th  

Pledges due May 19th

Award Day May 20th


Spell-a-thon: Video










il y a

There will be no Mots Fréquents words for the next three weeks. Instead, students will be given the chance to study their Spell-a-thon words.

Practice video – reading one word at a time with words on screen.

Practice video- reading one word at a time with blank screen (without words).


Reading: Please read guided reading book at least three nights this week.  


Jeu d’équipe

Besoin d’un ami

Les garçons ne dansent pas !

Le triste Chien

Tu verra bein !

Un foyer pour les poneys


Math: Students started a new unit last week on measurement – using perimeter and area. Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape and area is the amount of space withing the perimeter of a 2D shape. Homework Help Video.

p= a+b+c+d

a= largeur x longeur


After School pick up/bus: Students can have one after school drop off location. If students are going to a different location, they will need to be picked up after school. Any changes to bussing must be arranged through the office and not the bus driver. Please be sure to send a note to school or get in contact with the office if students are being picked up after school.


Mlle Duffy

Posted: May 2, 2022

Les Devoirs

   ·        Read

·        Gym Clothes

·        Cookbook fundraiser

·        Spell-a-thon


Spell-a-thon: Students took home spell-a-thon packs today. Students are encouraged to gather pledges or sponsors for the spell-a-thon. Proceeds will go towards end of the year field trips.


Test Day May 17th  

Pledges due May 19th

Award Day May 20th












il y a

There will be no Mots Fréquents words for the next three weeks. Instead, students will be given the chance to study their Spell-a-thon words.


Reading:Please read guided reading book two nights this week.  


 La sourire de grand-maman ch 4-6

Le message dans une bouteille



Missing videos are uploading and will be posted tomorrow (hopefully). 


Math:Students started a new unit this week on measurement – using perimeter and area. Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape and area is the amount of space withing the perimeter of a 2D shape. No math homework this week.

p= a+b+c+d

a= largeur x longeur


Cookbook: Students took home fundraising sheet last week. Cookbooks are available for purchase; the cost is $10.00 and proceed go towards wellness initiatives at school.


After School pick up/bus:Students can have one after school drop off location. If students are going to a different location, they will need to be picked up after school. Any changes to bussing must be arranged through the office and not the bus driver. Please be sure to send a note to school or get in contact with the office if students are being picked up after school.


Merci !

Mlle Duffy 

Posted: April 28, 2022

1) read 

2) list 24 quiz 

3) water bottle 


Posted: April 26, 2022


We have a presentation that runs into lunch tomorrow. If at all possible, please bring a bagged lunch tomorrow as students may not have an opportunity to buy from the cafeteria. Sorry for the short notice.

Posted: April 25, 2022

Les Devoirs:

1)   Read

2)  Study list 24 (see below)

3)  Gym Clothes

4)  Math Sheet (see below)

5)  Sign quiz.

6)  Sign agenda


Guided Reading: Please read your guided reading book at least 3 nights this week. Don’t forget to put it back in your agenda each night. Students have the same book as last week.


Le sourire se grand-maman ch 1-2

A la recherche d’un trésor

La sourire de grand-maman ch 3-4


Un message dans la bouteille  

Les nouveaux tours

Les Champions d’avion


Mots Fréquents: video














Math Homework:

Adding decimals – students will add and regroup decimals. I forgot to hand these out today, student will receive these sheets tomorrow.



Mlle Duffy

Posted: April 19, 2022

Les Devoirs


Gym Clothes

Study list 23 video


Mots Fréquents:video











Reading:Please read guided reading book three nights this week.  

Books: videos are uploading and will be posted tomorrow (hopefully)


Math:Students will review working on converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions and move on to ordering decimals. If time permits, they will also look at adding and subtracting decimals.

No math homework this week.


Cell Phone Policy: Students are reminded that cellphone use is not permitted at school for k-5.


English Language Arts Homework: Students received new English homework this week.


Merci !

Mlle Duffy

Posted: April 11, 2022

Dear Parents,  

For any students who have returned the parent-teacher request form, appointment times will be sent home tomorrow. Also, if there are any parents who are more conformable doing an over the phone meeting, please just let me know and we can arrange that instead.  Please do not feel obligated to come in person, I am more than willing to work with your schedule.  


If you have not sent in your form and would like an appointment time, please feel free to let me know and I will do my best to accommodate.  


Thanks again! 

Mlle Duffy

Posted: April 11, 2022

Les Devoirs


Gym Clothes

Sign Spelling

Sign Report Card


Mots Fréquents:No words this week.


Reading:Please read guided reading book two nights this week.  


Jonathan mène l’équipe

Tourbillon ch 1

Tourbillon ch 2

Mme Perron et le bourdon

Luc Luca

Miro le petit suricate (audio only)

La nouvelle vie de Minh


Math: Students are working on converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. No math homework this week.


Parent Teacher: those who returned parent teacher appointment requests will receive your appointment confirmation Tuesday. I am currently at home due to COVID but will place a sheet your child’s agenda tomorrow.


Merci !

Mlle Duffy
