Ms. Duffy Notes

Grade 5 French Immersion


Posted: September 26, 2022

Les Devoirs


Math sheet (due Thursday)

Gym clothes

Water bottle


Guided Reading: Please read your guided reading book at least 2 nights this week. Those with chapter books will work on chapters 3-6 or the second half of the book.


Revien Pipeau

Le gros cabane sous l’arbre

Le collier des fleurs ch3

Le collier des fleurs ch 4-5

Le Triste Chien

Mauvais tour

Le defile de camions


Math homework: Students have a math sheet this week with 5 questions. They are asked to arrange numbers from least to greatest (smallest to biggest). Homework sheet due Thursday. 

Ex: 5 055, 5 000, 5 155, 5 555.

5 000, 5 055, 5 155, 5 555.


Upcoming Dates:

September 28th – Orange shirt Day

September 29th – Field Trip to Fletcher’s Farm

September 30th – National truth and Reconciliation Day (No School)


Spirit Week

September 26th – September 29th

Monday – Crazy Sock Day

Tuesday – Twin Day

Wednesday – Orange Shirt Day

Thursday – Blue and Gold

Posted: September 26, 2022

Posted: September 23, 2022



Upcoming Dates:

September 28th – Orange Shirt Day

September 29th – Field Trip to Fletcher’s Farm

September 30th – National Truth and Reconciliation Day (No School)


Spirit Week

September 26th – September 29th

Monday – Crazy Sock Day

Tuesday – Twin Day

Wednesday – Orange Shirt Day

Thursday – Blue and Gold

Posted: September 19, 2022

Les Devoirs

·        Read

·        Gym Clothes

·        Water bottle

·        Student Fee $25

Guided Reading :

Students are asked to read their guided reading book at least three nights this week.

Those with chapter books will keep their book for two weeks. Chapters 1-4 (or half the book) will be read this week and chapters 5-8 next week. Any missing books will be posted Tuesday evening.

Books: (click link to listen to video).

La Sautrelle et la fourmi

Mon animal a moi

Le collier de fleur ch 1-2

Le collier de fleur ch 3

Le petit cheval bleu

 A la pépinière



Gym Clothes: Students have gym every day and are expected to change. Please be sure to send a change of clothes for this class.  


Student Fee: Student is $25 and can be paid to the homeroom teacher or directly to the office.



Mlle Duffy

Posted: September 16, 2022

Les Devoirs

No school Monday

Student Fee $25

Gym Clothes

Have a great weekend! See you Tuesday!

Posted: September 15, 2022

Terry Fox walk tomorrow - please dress for the weather. It was chilly for some students today outside. 

Tomorrow is the last day for pictures. Please send them in or they can be ordered online.

Mlle Duffy 

Posted: September 14, 2022

Les Devoirs 

  • Pictures are due back tomorrow and can also be ordered online for those who need extra time. If you would like re-takes, simply check it off on the form and return it to school.
  • Terry Fox Walk Friday $1 donation. 

  • No school Monday. 
  • Cell phone/electronics policy: students in k-5 are asked not to bring electronics of any kind to school
  • Please be sure to send gym clothes to school as students change for this class. Students are welcome to leave their gym bag at school and bring it home to be washed at the end or midweek. Whatever is easier for parents and students.  

Mlle Duffy 

Posted: September 12, 2022

Les Devoirs 

  • gym clothes 
  • student fee $25
  • water bottle 
  • Tetry Fox Walk Friday. 

Posted: September 8, 2022

Les Devoirs 

  • student fee $25
  • gym clothes (we have gym everyday) 
  • water bottle 
  • pictures due back September 15th. 
  • Terry Fox Walk September 16th. 

Gym Clothes 

please be sure to send a change of clothes for gym class. We have gym everyday from 12:30 to 1:10. 


Mlle Duffy 

Posted: September 6, 2022

Beinvenue and welcome to Grade 4/5 French Immersion. We had a great day, and everyone settled in nicely. I am very excited to be your child’s teacher this year, they are an amazing group!  



Gym Schedule: Monday to Friday

·        Please bring a change of clothes for gym.

Cafeteria and Snack cart will be open this week.

PICTURE DAY Septembre 8th.


Les Devoirs:  

1)   Fill out and return the 3 sheets stapled together.

2)  Gym Clothes

3)  Picture Day September 8th

4)  Student Fee $25.



Mlle Duffy


For anyone looking for the Grade 4 and 5 French Immersion supply list, it is attached below. Please do not stress if you do not have all your supplies on Tuesday, we will make the best of what we have.

Merci, see you on Tuesday!

Mlle Duffy

PDF icon grade_5_french_school_supply_list.pdf49.59 KB

Posted: June 24, 2022

Have a great summer 4/5 D. Any students who were absent today can pick up their report card on Monday between 9 and 3. 

Thanks for a great year, you are a fantastic group of students. Good luck to all the grade 5s next year in middle school and grade 4s we will see you next school year! 
Enjoy your summer vacation! 

Mlle Duffy 

Posted: June 20, 2022

We will be travelling to track and field at JMH track tomorrow. Please bring a bagged lunch ( that does not need heating) and a water bottle. Dress for the weather and wear your blue and gold if you have it. Parents are welcomed to come and watch. 

Mlle Duffy 

Posted: June 17, 2022
