· Please be sure to send hat, mittens, boots, and snow pants every day. Students go outside every day at lunch.
· Please send a change of clothes for gym. Students are required to change for gym class.
· Please try to remember a water bottle for school. We no longer have drinking fountains; students only have access to water bottle filling stations.
· K-5 is cell phone free; students should not have electronic devices or toys from home at school.
Thank You!
Les Devoirs
· Read
· Study list 14
· Gym Clothes
· Math Sheet (Friday)
· Sign Quizzes
Mots Fréquents: Video
Reading: Please read guided reading book at least three nights this week.
Un foyer pour les poneys
La planche a roulette
Un grand moment pur Emily
La première vole pur Carl
C’est un abat !
Le train musical
Pêche Nocturne
Math homework: Last week we started a new unit on fractions. This is a new topic for grade 4 and a review for grade 5. This week’s worksheet is a mix of fractions with common denominators and common numerators.
When the denominators are the same, you compare the numerator (top number). The larger the numerators the larger the fraction.
When the numerators are the same, you compare the denominators (bottom number). The smaller the numerator, the larger the fraction.
See attached document for help.
Mlle Duffy