Ms. J. Hallihan

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: April 19, 2012

Posted: April 13, 2012

As a post-reading activity, students made their own hats, just like the students in our book "Chaqun son chapeau".

Posted: April 13, 2012

Posted: April 13, 2012

Dear parents, We have a few important dates coming up in Grade 5 that I wanted to explain.   April 18th- We will be going canoeing at M.V.H.S. pool.  The Grade 5’s have done this for the past several years.  Paul McKinnon has already spent an hour with students explaining some of the fundamentals of canoe safety.  On this day, we will be leaving the school at 8:40am, and returning around 12:30pm.  Students will need to have an appropriate bathing suit, towel, their morning snack and their lunch that does not require heating.  Students will be eating on the side of the pool while others are canoeing.  There is no cost for this activity.   April 19th- Scholastic book order due.   April 20th- No school for students   April 26th- As part of the Intensive French program, students learned all about food.  I have provided them with a French menu from Burke’s.  They will be ordering from me here at the school, and I will phone in the orders.  We will be going from 10:30-11:30, so they would only need a very light lunch packed that day.  The cost is $5 including drink, meal, taxes and tip.  Please have this paid by April 25th.  If you would rather your child did not order, they can bring their own snack with them, and still eat with the rest of us.   **Also, starting tomorrow, April 13th, Shelley Donahue will be meeting with Grade 5 students to teach them about drug and alcohol awareness. This program is 5 classes of 1 hour each. Mme Jen

Posted: April 5, 2012

This week we continued to work on our food unit.  Students came up with some very interesting recipes for hamburgers, we played food bingo and talked about what we love to eat, and what we don't love to eat.  To finish off our unit, I will be taking both Grade 5 classes to Burke's diner to have lunch.  They will be ordering from me in French, off of a French menu.   The cost for this will be $5.  I will let you know next week what date was chosen.  Happy Easter! Mme Jen

Posted: March 29, 2012

This week we have been continuing to work on our food unit.  We have been speaking about our favorite and least favorite foods.  We have also been reading books, singing songs and writing about food.  Needless to say we have all been a little hungry all week! Mme Jen

Posted: March 22, 2012

Parent-Teacher interviews will be held this evening from 6pm-8:30pm, and tomorrow morning from 8:30am-11:30am Hope to see you there!

Posted: March 22, 2012

Posted: March 22, 2012

Posted: March 22, 2012


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