Posted: October 26, 2021
Big Box card fundraiser due back tomorrow.
Please return all orders and payment to school. The faster we collect all orders, the sooner we can order the extra boxes.
Mlle Duffy
Posted: October 26, 2021
Big Box card fundraiser due back tomorrow.
Please return all orders and payment to school. The faster we collect all orders, the sooner we can order the extra boxes.
Mlle Duffy
Posted: October 26, 2021
Posted: October 24, 2021
Les Devoirs:
1) Read
2) Study list 4 (see below) Video
3) Study Multiplication facts for x5
4) Sign Quiz
5) Gym Clothes
6) Two clean face masks
7) Clean water bottle
8) Sign agenda
Guided Reading: Please read your guided reading book at least 3 nights this week. Don’t forget to put it back in your agenda each night. Please note, those students with chapter books will keep their books for two weeks. If there are 5 chapters in the book, they will read chapter 1 and 2 (or half the book) this week and 3 to 5 next week.
Un feu sur la colline de Joujouville
Mots Fréquents:
In the back of the agenda binder, you will find Mots Fréquents words. Students are responsible for studying List 4 words this week. On Friday, students will have a spelling test.
We will also be working on these words throughout the week at school.
Les Mots:
Math Homework:
Please study multiplication facts for x 5.
Grade 4’s should study up to 5 x 9 and grade 5’s should study up to 5 x 12.
You will find multiplication strategies and facts at the back of your homework binder. Multiplication quiz on x5 on Friday.
No math sheet this week.
Multiplication Resources:
Multiplication strategy for X5: Count by 5’s that many times!
5 x 7 - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 - 5 x 7= 35
English : Video 1
Français : Video 1
Posted: October 22, 2021
Halloween Spirit Week!
Monday - Ghost Day (Dress in White)
Tuesday - Frankenstein Day (Dress in Green/Purple)
Wednesday - Pumpkin Day (Dress in Orange)
Thursday - Vampire Day (Dress in Black/Red)
Friday- Costume Day! (no weapons or masks)
Posted: October 22, 2021
Posted: October 22, 2021
Posted: October 22, 2021
Class Code: INQJUY
Password: board9
Posted: October 22, 2021
Posted: October 21, 2021
Math Quiz x 4
Mots Frequents Quiz
Return guided reading book
Posted: October 17, 2021
Check out the some of 4/5D in the Blackville Tallon's Thanksgiving Viewpoint video: