Posted: January 17, 2022
Ms. Duffy
Posted: January 17, 2022
Today is a pickup / drop off day at school (10:00 to 3:00). If you are returning completed work, please only return completed sheet work from the home learning duo-tang. You will continue to need this duo-tang (as well as guided reading books and cursive writing) for this week’s home learning, so it is important that you only take out what you have done. Also, if it is easier, you may hold on to your sheet work until we return to in person learning. Whatever is easier for you.
During last week’s home learning, we primarily worked out of the home learning duo-tang that was sent home after the strike and before Christmas. We will continue to do so this week, but students will also be using the multiplication pages sent home last week. There was some confusion last week as to what sheets were assigned. I apologize for any confusion and should have been clearer as to where you would find the assigned worksheets. Daily instructions and lessons are posted on my teacher, and I always include a PDF of that day’s work.
Please be sure to keep all guided reading books, cursive writing, and home learning duo-tang at home with you and only return completed sheet work.
Posted: January 14, 2022
Le 14 Jan
Welcome to Home Learning
Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison
4/5 Duffy
Bonjour! For this week’s home learning, you will need the home learning pack that was sent home before Christmas break and your guided reading book (or Je Lis)
See attached “Weekly Agenda for links and Videos”
French Literacy:
Reading: Please read in French every day (10 – 15 mins).
I have recorded guided reading books for those who picked up packets at school on Monday.
Those with chapter books, work on chapters 1-3 (or half the book) this week.
Anyone who did not pick up packets on Monday, can use Je lis. Students’ usernames are attached below, and the password is red1.
I have also attached a few PDF copies of books that do not require internet once downloaded.
Les secrets de la construction ch 1-4
Quiz de Mots Fréquents: I have attached a video of a practice quiz for this weeks Mots frequents. This will not be marked; it is just for practice to see how well students know this week’s words. The “quiz” can be done in the Hilroy scribbler. Don’t forget the date and List 11.
Watch some French TV or videos:Try Radio Canada, there are a lot of great kids shows and games that can be played in French.
Math (20-30 minutes)
Gr 4 and 5: Multiplication flash cards.Try to say the answer before the video.
Log on to Splash learn (20 minutes): Work on any assigned lessons “From your teacher”.
***For those with poor internet quality, work on any of the adding or subtraction sheets located in your home learning packet.
English Literacy
Grade 4 see Ms. Shaddick’s teacher page.
Grade 5 see Ms. Clark’s teacher page.
Social and Emotional
These are just extra activities for those who are interested. It is not a requirement for home learning. They are just fun activities to get you moving and grooving!
Today I suggested doing some art. Try “How to draw hot chocolate” on Art hub for Kids. Send me your finished piece and I will feature it on my teacher page.
Check out Mr. Sturgeon’s teacher page for some Phys Ed ideas and Mr. Hache’s for music.
Have a great weekend!
Mlle Duffy
Posted: January 13, 2022
Le 13 jan
Welcome to Home Learning
Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison
4/5 Duffy
Bonjour! For this week’s home learning, you will need the home learning pack that was sent home before Christmas break and your guided reading book (or Je Lis).
See attached “Weekly Agenda for links and Videos”
French Literacy:
Reading: Please read in French every day (10 – 15 mins).
I have recorded guided reading books for those who picked up packets at school on Monday.
Those with chapter books, work on chapters 1-3 (or half the book) this week.
Anyone who did not pick up packets on Monday, can use Je lis. Students’ usernames are attached below, and the password is red1.
I have also attached a few PDF copies of books that do not require internet once downloaded.
Les secrets de la construction ch 1-4
Mots Fréquents liste 11:
Matin (morning)
à propos (about – in regards to)
Parfois (sometimes)
décembre (December)
hypothèses (Hypothesis)
dors (sleep)
mouvement (to move around)
construire (to build)
dans (in)
Mots Fréquents Sentenses: Watch video, an example for each word will be given. Use your Hilroy scribbler to write a sentence for each mots fréquents. Do your best with spelling and do not forget the date and List 11.
Math (20-30 minutes)
Gr 4 and 5: Please watch “review of subtraction lesson 2”. Work on subtraction worksheet located in home learning pack. Because Grade 4 and grade 5 have different sheets in their pack, I have attached all sheets and answers that can be found in the home learning pack. Please complete 6 questions.
***For those with poor internet quality, work on any of the subtraction sheets located in your home learning packet.
English Literacy
Grade 4 see Ms. Shaddick’s teacher page.
Grade 5 see Ms. Clark’s teacher page.
Social and Emotional
These are just extra activities for those who are interested. It is not a requirement for home learning. They are just fun activities to get you moving and grooving!
Today I suggested you get outside and play. Do anything that makes you happy and you enjoy!
Check out Mr. Sturgeon’s teacher page for some Phys Ed ideas and Mr. Hache’s for music.
Don’t forget to check back in tomorrow!
Mlle Duffy
Posted: January 12, 2022
Jan 12, 2022
Welcome to Home Learning
Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison
4/5 Duffy
Bonjour! For this week’s home learning, you will need the home learning pack that was sent home before Christmas break and your guided reading book (or Je Lis).
See attached “Weekly Agenda for links and Videos”
French Literacy:
Morning Message writing: Please listen to video lesson. Students will be writing a paragraph about their Christmas break. They can choose any topic, what they got for Christmas, something they did, somewhere they went…anything about the Christmas break. They can use their Hilroy scribbler, a piece of paper or any writing sheet in their home learning packet.
Remember a proper paragraph should be 3 to 5 sentences and use proper punctuation and capitalization.
Sentence starters are attached below.
Mots Fréquents liste 11:
Matin (morning)
à propos (about – in regards to)
Parfois (sometimes)
décembre (December)
hypothèses (Hypothesis)
dors (sleep)
mouvement (to move around)
construire (to build)
dans (in)
Reading: Please read in French every day (10 – 15 mins).
I have recorded guided reading books for those who picked up packets at school on Monday.
Those with chapter books, work on chapters 1-3 (or half the book) this week.
Anyone who did not pick up packets on Monday, can use Je lis. Students’ usernames are attached below, and the password is red1.
I have also attached a few PDF copies of books to Tuesdays post that do not require internet once downloaded.
Les secrets de la construction ch 1-4
Math (20-30 minutes)
Gr 4 and 5: Complete worksheet from yesterday or go on Splashlearn (Class code: INQJUY Password: board8) and work on any assigned lesson (“from my teacher”).
***For those with poor internet quality, work on any of the adding sheets located in your home learning packet.
English Literacy
Grade 4 see Ms. Shaddick’s teacher page.
Grade 5 see Ms. Clark’s teacher page.
Social and Emotional
These are just extra activities for those who are interested. It is not a requirement for home learning. They are just fun activities to get you moving and grooving!
Today I suggested you work in your cursive writing duo-tang which is the yellow duo-tong in your new home learning pack. Didn’t come get you pack? Why not try writing your name or a friend’s name on a piece of paper…
Here is a cursive writing video.
Check out Mr. Sturgeon’s teacher page for some Phys Ed ideas and Mr. Hache’s for music.
Don’t forget to check back in tomorrow!
Mlle Duffy
Posted: January 11, 2022
le 11 jan
Welcome to Home Learning
Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison
4/5 Duffy
Bonjour! For this week’s home learning, you will need the home learning pack that was sent home before Christmas break and your guided reading book (or Je Lis)
See attached “Weekly Agenda for links and Videos”
French Literacy:
Morning Message: Listen to the morning message “Noël” and practice question at the end of first slide.
Question:Comment se sont passées vos vacances de Noël ? Avez-vous fait ou reçus quelque chose d'amusant ?
Answer:Pendant les vacances de Noël …
Pour Noël j'ai reçus …
***Those with poor internet quality can, you can just practice the question with someone at home.
Mots Fréquents liste 11:
Matin (morning)
à propos (about – in regards to)
Parfois (sometimes)
décembre (December)
hypothèses (Hypothesis)
dors (sleep)
mouvement (to move around)
construire (to build)
dans (in)
Reading: Please read in French every day (10 – 15 mins).
I have recorded guided reading books for those who picked up packets at school on Monday.
Those with chapter books, work on chapters 1-3 (or half the book) this week.
Anyone who did not pick up packets on Monday, can use Je lis. Students’ usernames are attached below and the password is red1.
I have also attached a few PDF copies of books that do not require internet once downloaded.
Les secrets de la construction ch 1-4
Math (20-30 minutes)
Gr 4 and 5: Review of adding with regrouping lesson 1. Listen to the lesson and complete worksheet below. Complete 10 questions (1/2 of sheet).
***For those with poor internet quality, work on any of the adding sheets located in your home learning packet.
Looking for something extra? Why not review your multiplication facts or use Splashlearn (Class code: INQJUY Password: board8).
English Literacy
Grade 4 see Ms. Shaddick’s teacher page.
Grade 5 see Ms. Clark’s teacher page.
Social and Emotional
These are just extra activities for those who are interested. It is not a requirement for home learning. They are just fun activities to get you moving and grooving!
Check out Mr. Sturgeon’s teacher page for some Phys Ed ideas and Mr. Hache’s for music.
Check back in tomorrow!
Mlle Duffy
Posted: January 10, 2022
Packs are available for pick up at school today from 10-3. Please do not stress if you are unable to come and pick up a pack today. Everything you need for FI is at home already in the previous home learning pack you received.
In the “new” pack, I have included 2 guided books for those who prefer hard copy, but you may also use Je Lis for reading at home this week. There are also some additional sheets and scribblers in the “new” packet that will be used for next weeks home learning.
Please note that for grade 5, Ms. Clark has also included some new resources to be used this week for home learning.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns and check back tomorrow for the weekly agenda and day 1 of home learning.
Have a great day!
Mlle Duffy
Posted: December 16, 2021
PJ DAY Friday
Return guided reading books.
Tomorrow is the last day for students in k-6.
Weather: Please remember students go outside every day and need to be dressed to play. Students should have hat, mittens/gloves, jacket, and boots for the current weather.
Posted: December 14, 2021
Wednesday- Christmas Shirt/ Red and Green Day
Thursday - Ugly Christmas Sweater.
Friday - Pajama Day
Posted: December 14, 2021
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