Mrs. A. Moody - Archived 08/20

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney

Posted: September 24, 2014

6D MathWe started lesson 3 "Exploring Multiples" .  Students should be reviewing their facts to 12.  Page 53 #1 b, cRemember to work on your journal question.  They are due Friday.  

Posted: September 23, 2014

8O/8M - Review your notes on parts of speech- Library tomorrow 6D MATH- Journal question is due Friday- pg 53 and 54 question #3, #6 a, b #8 a, b- Please sign and return your quiz 7M Homeroom- Please remember to bring in a $1 for the Terry Fox walk tomorrow.

Posted: September 22, 2014

6D Math - Journal question is due on FridayPlease get your quiz signed. 

Posted: September 19, 2014

8O/8M L. Arts:- Read 20 mins a night- Student should be studying the rules for changing nouns to plurals. 6D Math:- Students will be starting a math journal on Monday.  They will have one question a week that will be due Friday (can be pasted in earlier).- Next week, student will be focusing on using their estimating strategies to solve word problems.  Calculators should be brought to class but used "after" an estimation is made.   Reminders:  Terry Fox Walk, September 24, please bring in a $1. Have a great weekend! 

Posted: September 17, 2014

8M/8O - Read 20 mins a night6D Math - No homework but students should be reviewing their work on Exploring Large Numbers for Fridays quiz.  Please bring a calculator with your tomorrow.

Posted: September 16, 2014

8O/8M - Library tomorrow. Finish sheet on plurals for Thursday class. 6D Math- Get quiz signed- #8, #9 and #11 page 49  

Posted: September 15, 2014

6D MATH:  Exploring Large NumbersPg 48-49#1 a, b#3 a, c#4 a, c, d#5 d#6#7* Remember to use your place value chart on page 47 to help you. 8O/8M - Beginning to review parts of speech.   REMINDERS:  Middle School dance this Thursday September 18 from 6-8.  Admission is $5 

Posted: September 11, 2014

6D Math: - Student will be having an integer quiz tomorrow.  Please review your questions from lesson 8 and 9 (page 74 to 81) 

Posted: September 10, 2014

6D MATH:  Comparing and Ordering Integers Pg 81 #8a, b (Remember to come up with at least one question)#9 c, d#10 a, b#12 a, b# 13 Note:  Students will be having a quiz on integers on FridayPlease remember to bring in your math letter about extra help, homework etc. that was sent home yesterday. 8O/8M  - Student checked out their library books today.  Students should be reading 10-20 minutes each night.     REMINDERS:  - Meet the Teacher will be held Thursday Sept 11 @ 6- 7M "Must" bring in their Public Health Forms by tomorrow 

Posted: September 9, 2014

6D MATH:  Comparing and Ordering IntegersPage 80-81#2 a, b, c#3 c, d#4 b, c#5 b, c#7 c, d, f, g Notes:  = greater than  


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