Posted: November 21, 2017
Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20
Posted: November 21, 2017
I have uploaded the story and both sets of questions for those not in school today.
REMINDER - test on literary devices will be Thursday.
Posted: November 20, 2017
Posted: November 20, 2017
The assignment for the short story. "The Fog Horn", is due Monday, November 27. We will be working on these for the rest of the week.
Posted: November 20, 2017
TEST THURSDAY - please study the literary devices we began looking at lasy week. Make sure you can create examples for all of the devices - use your handout and worksheet to help you.
Posted: November 16, 2017
We completed lots of work today...
For those not at school today:
Please read through the suspense handout - uploaded below.
Also, please read through the handout on literary devices and work on completing some of the example to show your understanding.
Students began reading the new story, "The Sniper" today, as well.
HOMEWORK for those in class today:
- Finish the examples for the literary devices sheet.
Posted: November 14, 2017
Please get your test signed - the elements of the short story.
**REMEMBER - this will go towards your homework mark.
Also, please review the rules for the proper use of the words their, they're and there.
Posted: November 9, 2017
Scandalous Character presentations - Tuesday, November 14.
Posted: November 9, 2017
Due date for Iron Jawed Angels memorials - Thursday, November 16.
Posted: November 9, 2017
Please be sure to have your Remembrance Day journal completed for Tuesday, November 14.