Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

Posted: November 22, 2018

Image result for of mice and men

Students continued working on their chapters 1 and 2 worksheets from OMAM.

Posted: November 22, 2018

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Students completed an in-class assessment today - this will be marked and put towards their reading ciomprehension unit mark.

* I will be assessing the students at the end of every week during this unit to ensure they are using the good reading comprehension practices/skills we have been working on and discussing in class. This will help them when they have to write their big assessment in January.

Posted: November 22, 2018

Image result for test tomorrow

World War 1 test will be in class tomorrow.

Posted: November 21, 2018

World War 1 Test is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. All students have the test outline and have been working onit since Monday.

Posted: November 20, 2018

Image result for of mice and men

Students listened to OMAM chapter 1 and half of chapter 2 today in class. We will finish listening to chapter 2 tomorrow and students will then work on their chapter quesitons.

Posted: November 20, 2018

Reminder - WW1 test is FRIDAY, November 23. 

All students have received their test outline and have the remaining week to prepare for the test.

Continued assessment preparation with reading comprehension exercises.

Posted: November 19, 2018

World War 1 test will be Friday, November 23. Required documents are attached.

Posted: November 19, 2018


Fri, Nov 23/18 8:35 am

Posted: November 6, 2018

Students continued working on their “Lady or the Tiger” assignments today. All good copies must be finished by the end of class Thursday. 


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