Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

Posted: February 1, 2019

Students read through section 3 of chapter 19 today. We then corrected the answers to section 1 questions. The students worked on the section 2 and 3 questions for the remainder of the class. We will finsh this chapter on Monday.


I will hand out the test outline on Monday.

Posted: February 1, 2019

We read to page 31 today in The Outsiders. If you missed class, please be sure to have this read for Monday.

Posted: January 31, 2019

Course outline for this course is attached below.

Posted: January 31, 2019

Students began their class novel study today. We will be reading the wonderful book, The Outsiders, together as a class. We read about the authour, S.E. Hinton, and then we began reading chapter 1. We will continue this work tomorrow.

Posted: January 15, 2019

Schindler's List Assignment - due Thursday - emailed to my account by 8:30 a.m.

Posted: January 15, 2019

File exam_schedule_jan_2019_1.docx25.95 KB

Posted: January 8, 2019

Students are working on their final projects for thi term for the next 8 classes. At this time, they are preparing their final projects and preentations which will act in lieu of their written exam. They students are well aware of the importance of this class time and the need to be present for EVERY class from here on out. They also are aware of the great value this projects will have on their mark for this term. They will be working on these projects/presenations for the next 8 classes.

Posted: January 8, 2019

Students will be preparing for their English Language Proficiency Assessment for the next 8 days! This means attendance for every class is so essential as we will be completing various forms of reading comprehension packets in order to best prepare the students for this very important assessment.

The assessment will be written the week of exams. The students will only be writing the assessment; they will not have an English 9 exam at this time.

Again, the students only have 8 more classes to prepare for the assessment.

Posted: December 13, 2018


Thu, Dec 20/18 9:40 am

Posted: December 13, 2018

THe ID assignment is due Thursday, December 20. Students will work on these in tomorrow's class but this is the only class day we will be having. The rest of the work for this will have to be completed at home. My classroom is also avaiable throughout the lunch hours, Just let me know if you need to come in to work on these during tthese times.


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