Ms Davidson - Archived 08/20 Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: April 17, 2020

Good morning ladies and gentlemen and happy Friday!! Just wanted to say great work this week! Those of you finishing up your writing assignment can email them to me upon completion. As far as your article, some of you are still working on them so I will realease your scores by Sunday. You all seem to have a fairly good grasp of CommonLit which is wonderful! Next week I will assign the short answer section as well.  I want to remind you to take your time when completing your articles. Although you watch the same media, your articles are all varied or assigned at your present reading level.  It’s important you do your best so I can monitor if they are too challenging or not challenging enough.  In the meantime, relax, enjoy the sunshine, time with your loved ones and stay safe! If you have any questions or need assistance with anything, email me: 

Posted: April 15, 2020

Daily Task: To learn about the Human Geography of South America


1.     Go to the following link:

2.     Make sure to preview the entire text before you read. 

3.     Read the first entry as well as Cultural Geography. Stop when you reach POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY.

As you read see if you can locate the answer to the following questions:

1.     What famous navigator are North and South America named after?

2.     What culture deeply influences South America’s human landscape?

3.     What is the most well-known indigenous culture of South America?

4.     What would a gaucho be compared to in North-American culture?

5.     What two important social groups does the Rio Carnival incorporate into its celebrations?

Posted: April 13, 2020


Daily Task:  to learn about the Coastal Plains of South America


1.     Go to the following link:

2.     Make sure to preview the entire text before you read. 

3.     Scroll down to Coastal Plains and read this final section on physical geography.

As you read see if you can locate the answer to the following questions:

1.     What is a coastal plain?

2.     What desert is considered the driest in the world?

3.     What is the Atacama’s chief source of revenue?


From now on your daily tasks will be designed to help you gather information to answer one focus question per week, to be completed by weeks end.

This week’s focus question is: What makes you happy?  Think about this and keep it in mind as you complete each of your daily tasks. If you find information that relates to this question or sparks your interest, remember to include the following:

·   the date

·   the idea or thought that sparked your interest

·   where you found it

Please find your daily task breakdown below. I will monitor your guided reading results and offer feedback where necessary.  Remember the Read Aloud option is available for all articles posted. If you have questions, email me:



1.     Sign on to CommonLit. 

2.     Read posted article and answer guided questions only.

3.     Make notes with focus question in mind.  If you are using a touch screen you do not have this option, so be sure to put ideas, thoughts and comments on your device or in a notebook you won’t lose.


1.     View related media. Remember to keep focus question in mind to take notes as you watch: What makes you happy?

2.     Video 1:

3.     Video 2:



1.     Log on to CommonLit.

2.     Re-read article. Highlight ideas you may have overlooked in relation to your focus question:  What makes you happy?

3.     Complete assessment only. Do not answer the short answer/discussion questions


1.     Use notes taken throughout the week and examples from the article you’ve read, the media you viewed as well as your own personal experiences to support an organized, final answer to: What makes you happy? 

Posted: April 9, 2020

Hey ladies and gentlemen! A few of you had some technical issues yesterday and some of you did not.  Either way, it is a work in progress and I thank you all for sticking it out, trying your best and most importantly, emailing me if you have questions!!! Remember to slow down as you read and take your time with the guided reading questions.  I can see how many attempts some of you are making before you get the correct answer.  You save more time by reading carefully the first time or going back, yes…you’re going to hear me say it, RE-READ.

It seems that if you have already completed the assessment I can delete the results from my end, but not the work you’ve done on yours.  This was a practise run for us all this week, so don’t stress.  Just be sure to read your daily task carefully.  Once you hit CONTINUE at the bottom of your text, your assessment has started and the work you did to that point is saved and cannot be altered. The whole point is to have your article as a work in progress throughout the entire week. I will post a daily schedule at the beginning of every week so you will know what tasks are to be completed on which days.

In the meantime, I have posted an entirely new text for you all to practise with.  I want you to try adding 3 comments and highlight your text.  I have also included a video for those of you that were having a bit of a time adding comments or getting your highlighter to work.  Follow your steps in the text box below and remember, DO NOT DO THE ASSESSMENT PORTION!  DO NOT CLICK CONTINUE AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR PAGE!

Task 1-Practise Putting CommonLit features to use.

1.      Log into CommonLit by clicking the following link.

2.     If you are having difficulty with highlighting text and adding comments.  Click the following link for a quick How To video:

3.     Read your assigned article and answer only the guided reading questions.

4.     Put a minimum of 3 comments in your text as you read.

5.     Highlight the part of the text that you comment on.

When you have completed these 3 things and checked over your work, log out.



Have a safe and Happy Easter weekend!!!  Those of you putting in the daily effort, it is appreciated and I admire you all for your dedication to your education.  You are AWESOME and I am privileged to have you for students.J 


Posted: April 9, 2020

Well Grade 6, you’ve made it through your first week of e-learning. Great job!  I have decided that the last day of every week will be Current Events.  Most of you seemed to enjoy this part of Social Studies, so why ruin a good thing?  I have attached your regular outline below.  Have a wonderful Easter weekend and stay healthy and safe everyone!

P. Davidson 

Microsoft Office document icon current_events_worksheet.doc31.5 KB

Posted: April 8, 2020

 Happy Humpday!!


Great work yesterday everyone, but remember this is a marathon, not a sprint! That being said, take your time and get used to our new learning platform. Today I want you to log into CommonLit, go back to My Assignments and select your article again. You will see I have reset any of your articles if they were submitted in error.  Today you can continue to practise with a clean slate. DO NOT DO THE ASSESSMENT PORTION.

Task 1-Practise Putting CommonLit features to use.

1.      Log into CommonLit by clicking the following link.

2.     Re-read your assigned article and answer only the guided reading questions.

3.     Put a minimum of 3 comments in your text as you read.

4.     Highlight the part of the text that you comment on.

When you have completed these 3 things and checked over your work, log out.



PS. As I told the grade 7 class, maybe take a look at the library this great resource has to offer. Tons of great articles and short stories!  Our own regular library period will resume at the beginning of next week, perhaps you may find something there that is of interest to you!!

Posted: April 8, 2020



Great work yesterday everyone, but remember this is a marathon, not a sprint! That being said, take your time and get used to our new learning platform. Today I want you to log into CommonLit, go back to My Assignments and select your article again. You will see I have reset your articles if they were submitted in error. Today you can continue to practise with a clean slate. DO NOT DO THE ASSESSMENT PORTION.

Task 1-Practise Putting CommonLit features to use.

1.      Log into CommonLit by clicking the following link.

2.     Re-read your assigned article and answer only the guided reading questions.

3.     Put a minimum of 3 comments in your text as you read.

4.     Highlight the part of the text that you comment on.

When you have completed these 3 things and checked over your work, log out.



PS. Don’t be afraid to take a look at the library this great resource has to offer. Tons of great articles and short stories!  Our own regular library period will resume at the beginning of next week, perhaps you may find something there that is of interest to you!!

Posted: April 8, 2020

Hey everyone and happy humpday!! Please note that we will not be conitunuing on with our health class as exploratories are not deemed core subjects. Please be sure to check out Mr Sturgeon's posts as they include helpful tips to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle.

Today you are going to continue to learn about the physical geography of South America, beginning where you left off yesterday at River Basins. All of the answers to your questions are directly stated in the text. Read closelyJ

Daily task: To learn about the river basins of South America.


1.     Go to the following link:

2.     Make sure to preview the entire text before you read.  Look at the map, pictures and scroll all the way to the bottom of the web page to see if anything catches your eye.

3.     Once you’ve taken a peek around, scroll down to RIVER BASINS. Read only this section .****Stop when you get to Coastal Plains



 See if you can find the answers to the following questions as you read.

1.     What is a watershed?

2.     Which watershed is the largest in the world?

3.     What animals are best suited for life in the Amazon Rain Forest?

 Bonus: What river basin covers almost 2.8 million square kms in much of southeastern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina?

If you or child are having difficulty creating an account with CommonLit, contact me:

Thank you and stay healthy:)

P. Davidson


Posted: April 7, 2020

Good morning everyone!!  Great job signing up yesterday!! You ladies and gentlemen are great!

Today you are going to have 2 tasks to complete.  First, you will watch a “How To video” about the features you will be using in CommonLit, some of which include: accessing your assignments, answering guided reading questions, adding comments/annotations, highlighting text, locating definitions and turning on the read aloud option.  Once you have watched this video, I want to you log onto CommonLit, go to your assignment page and select the text I have shared with you. 

I DO NOT want you to submit it today, I just want you to play around with the features and practise using them.  I will get you to put your new-found skills to use very soon.

Here are your breakdowns:

Task 1-Watch CommonLit How To Video

1.      Watch the following video tutorial on CommonLit features


Task 2-Practise Using CommonLit features

1.      Log into CommonLit with the username and password you created yesterday by clicking the following link.

2.      Go to the My Assignments tab and select the text I have shared with you.

3.      Practise using all the features you learned about today in the video tutorial. You will be using all of them, so make sure you are comfortable using them before you check out for the day.

4.      DO NOT SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT.  That is for another day….meaning tomorrow;)

Posted: April 7, 2020

Good morning everyone!!  First, let me start off by applauding you all for doing such a great job signing up yesterday!! 

Today you are going to have 2 tasks to complete.  First, you will watch a “How To video” about the features you will be using in CommonLit, some of which include: accessing your assignments, answering guided reading questions, adding comments/annotations, highlighting text, locating definitions and turning on the read aloud option.  Once you have watched this video, I want to you log onto CommonLit, go to your assignment page and select the text I have shared with you. 

I DO NOT want you to submit it today, I just want you to play around with the features and practise using them.  I will get you to put your new-found skills to use very soon.

Here are your breakdowns:

Task 1-Watch CommonLit How To Video

1.      Watch the following video tutorial on CommonLit features


Task 2-Practise Using CommonLit features

1.      Log into CommonLit with the username and password you created yesterday by clicking the following link.

2.      Go to the My Assignments tab and select the text I have shared with you.

3.      Practise using all the features you learned about today in the video tutorial. You will be using all of them, so make sure you are comfortable using them before you check out for the day.

4.      DO NOT SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT.  That is for another day….meaning tomorrow;)

Posted: April 7, 2020

Hey everyone! Today you are going to begin to take a look at the physical geography of South America.  My email is should you run into any problems.  All of the answers to your questions are directly stated in the text…so read closelyJ

Daily task: To learn about the physical geography/mountains and highlands of South America.


1.     Go to the following link:

2.     Make sure to preview the entire text before you read.  Look at the map, pictures and scroll all the way to the bottom of the web page to see if anything catches your eye. 

3.     Once you’ve taken a peek around, begin and read only the first section that gives a general description of South America’s physical geography as well as the second section that describes Mountains and Highlands. ****Stop when you get to River Basins.



See if you can find the answers to the following questions as you read.

1.     How large is South America compared to other continents?

2.     Name some of the biomes of South America.

3.     What is the highest peak in the Andes?

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hello my sweet lovelies! I miss each and every one of you and hope you are healthy! You better be practising your physical distancing and listening to your parents/guardians, they DO KNOW what's best for you!

You have 2 tasks to complete today.

  • Create online username and password for Commonlit. This is where your weekly assignments will start.
  • Email Mrs. Davidson-If you can’t remember your student email, create a Gmail account. 

Task 1

Create a username for Commonlit

1.     Click on or enter the link below in your address bar:

2.     When you are prompted to enter a class code, it is as follows: RK3L9Y

3.     Fill in your information as requested. Once your account is created, do not forget your username and password. TAKE A PICTURE OF IT RIGHT NOW SO YOU WILL HAVE IT!



Task 2

Email Mrs. Davidson

1.     Email Mrs. Davidson @

2.     If you forget your student email or you do not have an email account, create one using the following link.

3.     Once you have created your account, email me so I can communicate with you and vice versa.  Make sure you sign your name in the email so I know who you are!!!



Posted: April 6, 2020

Good morning 7O! I miss each of you and hope you are healthy! I’m going to tell you ladies and gentlemen the same thing I told my grade 8s…you better be practising your physical distancing and listening to your parents/guardians, they DO KNOW what's best for you!

You have 2 tasks to work away at today.

  1.  Create online username and password for Commonlit-This is where your weekly assignments will start.
  2.  Email Mrs. Davidson-If you can’t remember your student email, create a Gmail account. 


Task 1

Steps to create username for Commonlit:

1.     Enter the link below in your address bar:

2.     When you are prompted to enter a class code, it is as follows:7EN77K

3.     Fill in your information as requested. Once your account is created, do not forget your username and password. TAKE A PICTURE OF IT RIGHT NOW SO YOU WILL HAVE IT!



Task 2

Email Mrs. Davidson

1.     Email Mrs. Davidson @

2.     If you forget your student email or you do not have an email account, create one using the following link.

3.     Once you have created your account, email me so I can communicate with you and vice versa.  Make sure you sign your name in the email so I know who you are!!!

