Social Studies 6, April 8, 2020

Posted: April 8, 2020

Hey everyone and happy humpday!! Please note that we will not be conitunuing on with our health class as exploratories are not deemed core subjects. Please be sure to check out Mr Sturgeon's posts as they include helpful tips to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle.

Today you are going to continue to learn about the physical geography of South America, beginning where you left off yesterday at River Basins. All of the answers to your questions are directly stated in the text. Read closelyJ

Daily task: To learn about the river basins of South America.


1.     Go to the following link:

2.     Make sure to preview the entire text before you read.  Look at the map, pictures and scroll all the way to the bottom of the web page to see if anything catches your eye.

3.     Once you’ve taken a peek around, scroll down to RIVER BASINS. Read only this section .****Stop when you get to Coastal Plains



 See if you can find the answers to the following questions as you read.

1.     What is a watershed?

2.     Which watershed is the largest in the world?

3.     What animals are best suited for life in the Amazon Rain Forest?

 Bonus: What river basin covers almost 2.8 million square kms in much of southeastern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina?