7O & 8D Language Arts April 9, 2020

Posted: April 9, 2020

Hey ladies and gentlemen! A few of you had some technical issues yesterday and some of you did not.  Either way, it is a work in progress and I thank you all for sticking it out, trying your best and most importantly, emailing me if you have questions!!! Remember to slow down as you read and take your time with the guided reading questions.  I can see how many attempts some of you are making before you get the correct answer.  You save more time by reading carefully the first time or going back, yes…you’re going to hear me say it, RE-READ.

It seems that if you have already completed the assessment I can delete the results from my end, but not the work you’ve done on yours.  This was a practise run for us all this week, so don’t stress.  Just be sure to read your daily task carefully.  Once you hit CONTINUE at the bottom of your text, your assessment has started and the work you did to that point is saved and cannot be altered. The whole point is to have your article as a work in progress throughout the entire week. I will post a daily schedule at the beginning of every week so you will know what tasks are to be completed on which days.

In the meantime, I have posted an entirely new text for you all to practise with.  I want you to try adding 3 comments and highlight your text.  I have also included a video for those of you that were having a bit of a time adding comments or getting your highlighter to work.  Follow your steps in the text box below and remember, DO NOT DO THE ASSESSMENT PORTION!  DO NOT CLICK CONTINUE AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR PAGE!

Task 1-Practise Putting CommonLit features to use.

1.      Log into CommonLit by clicking the following link.


2.     If you are having difficulty with highlighting text and adding comments.  Click the following link for a quick How To video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsjEV02AAfc

3.     Read your assigned article and answer only the guided reading questions.

4.     Put a minimum of 3 comments in your text as you read.

5.     Highlight the part of the text that you comment on.

When you have completed these 3 things and checked over your work, log out.



Have a safe and Happy Easter weekend!!!  Those of you putting in the daily effort, it is appreciated and I admire you all for your dedication to your education.  You are AWESOME and I am privileged to have you for students.J 
