Ms. Duffy Notes

Grade 2


Posted: October 9, 2023

Les Devoirs


No words this week

Gym Clothes

Water bottle

Sign Quiz


Upcoming Dates:

October 12th – Hat Day / PJ Day Cost $1 each

October 13th – (No School)

October 25th – Halloween Party 5:45 to 6:45 ($5)

October 27th – Picture Retakes


Guided Reading:

Please read your book at least 2 night this week. Please return your book to the agenda each night, it will be used during the day at school.



C’est un abat! Ch 3-6

Les Garçons ne dansent pas !

Triste Chien

L’été de Perle  


Phys Ed.

Students have Phys. Ed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday last period of the day. Please be sure to send a change of clothes for this class.


Cell Phone policy

K-5 is cell phone free; students are asked to leave all electronic devices home.



Posted: October 3, 2023

Les Devoirs


Study list 2 (see below)

Gym Clothes

Water bottle

Sign Quiz

Sign LA quizzes (see agenda) 


Upcoming Dates:

October 9th – No School (Thanksgiving)

October 13th - No School (PL Day)

October 27th – Picture Retakes


Guided Reading:

Please read your book at least 3 night this week. Please return your book to the agenda each night, it will be used during the day at school.


C’est un Abat ! Ch 1-2

                        Ch 3-6

Les Garçons ne dansent pas ! Ch 1-4

Triste Chien

L’été de Perle  


Mots Fréquents (liste 2 video) :  





est-ce que



Phys Ed.

Students have Phys. Ed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday last period of the day. Please be sure to send a change of clothes for this class.


File les_devoirs2.docx14.16 KB

Posted: September 24, 2023

Les Devoirs


Study list 1 (see below)

Gym Clothes

Water bottle

Spirit Week (see below)


Theme Days


Monochrome / All one-color Day


PJ Day


Blue and Gold Day


Denim (jean) Day


Orange Shirt Day


Upcoming Dates:

September 28th – Fletcher’s Farm

October 2nd – No school (Truth and Reconciliation)

October 9th – No School (Thanksgiving)


Fletcher’s Farm

Students will be heading to Fletcher’s farm this week (weather depending). Please bring a packed lunch that does not need to be heated.

Guided Reading

Please read your book at least 3 night this week. Please return your book to the agenda each night, it will be used during the day at school.


Mytère de numéro 7 Ch – 3-4




Gaspard s’amuse


Mots Fréquents (list 1 video)







Posted: September 18, 2023

Les Devoirs

1)   Read

2)  Student Fee

3)  Gym Clothes

4)  Water Bottle



Students are asked to red their guided reading book at least three times a week. Please be sure to return the book to school each day as it will be used in class.



Le mystère de numéro 7 

L’invitation surprise

Les loups

Jeu d’équipe


Gym Clothes

Students are expected to change for gym class. Please make sure these clothes are being changed out from week to week (or more if you prefer).

Up coming Dates

September 22nd – No School (PL Day)

September 28th – Fletchers Farm Field Trip

September 29th – Orange Shirt Day

October 2nd – No School (National Truth and Reconciliation Day)

October 9th – No School (Thanksgiving)

Posted: September 14, 2023

Tomorrow is the Terry Fox walk. Please dress for the weather. Students are welcomed to bring in a $2 donation towards the Terry Fox foundation. 

Posted: September 11, 2023

Les Devoirs



No homework this week.



Please remember to pay student fee ($25).



Pictures due back September 14th

    For retakes, return the form and check the retakes box.



Terry Fox Walk


Students are encouraged to bring in a donation of $2 or more. Forms are due back September 15th.

Walk is September 15th 10:15am. 




Posted: September 5, 2023

We had a wonderful day in grade 5 today. 


1) please sign/fill out both sides of yellow and white sheet. All other sheets can be kept home. 
2) students fee is $25.

3) gym is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Please send a change of clothes. 
4) please remember a water bottle. It was very hot today. 
5) picture day September 7th. 

6) no cafeteria this week. Breakfast program begins September 6th.


Posted: June 23, 2023

Wanted to wish all my students a happy and safe summer. It has been a wonderful year with an amazing class. Thank you for the lovely gifts and cards. It has been a pleasure teaching this group of students. 

mlle Duffy 

Posted: June 19, 2023


1)   Return any school books.

2)  Water Bottle

3)  Neon Day

4)  Pizza Party

5)  Literacy on the lawn – students can bring a blanket or towel to sit on the lawn to read. If they weather does not co-operate, we will be doing this on Thursday instead. Students can leave their things at school.


Track and Field Day

Wednesday June 21st

Please bring a water bottle and packed lunch that does not need to be heated. We are leaving the school at 8:35am and returning to take our regular busses home.  Please also wear sunscreen and sneakers.  Theme for that day is Hats and Shades.

Parents are welcome to meet us at the field to watch.


Friday June 23rd

June 23rd is a full day for students. Report cards will not be released until after 11:00am and their will be a recognition day celebration at 9:00am.

Grade 5 slideshow will be posted by tomorrow.


Posted: June 13, 2023

Just a reminder that students need inside sneakers for gym and when gym is outdoors they are preparing for track and field day so outdoor sneakers are needed. Students are asked to make sure they have a pair of sneakers at school. Merci! 

Posted: June 12, 2023

No homework. 

1) gym clothes 

2) gym sneakers 

3) water bottle

4) grade 4 field trip- please be on time to school. Bring a water bottle and make sure you are prepared for the wetland. Pizza lunch provided. 

Posted: June 6, 2023

Grade 5 field trip. 

Please be at school before 8:30 as we are leaving right after O'Canada. 

Please remember your towel and swimsuit and anything you might need after swimming. Students will be changing after. 

Please bring a snack and water bottle. Pizza lunch will be provided. 

Please dress for the weather, the high elements course is outdoors and we will be outside if it is not raining. Please remember sneakers. 

