Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/23 Notes

1 <3 (Science & Math)


Posted: May 1, 2023

Math 7 - Students were given their test to look and see their mark & results on Friday April 28 and handed  them back in so those that are absent can still write. Today we looked at plotting points on the coordinate grids and reading points.(All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework:Page 318  # 1 to 6

                                       Test -->TNext week                                                                                      

Math 8- Review of grade 7 finding the area of circles, triangles and rectangles.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Worksheet from class today 


Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method and reviewed questions for assessment on May 2. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend. (preparing for science assessment on May 2)

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Lab day to work on the projects (Notes posted below ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method and reviewed questions for science assessment that is May 9 & May 18. If you miss any notes then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 26, 2023

Math 7 - UTest Review  (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework:Page 249  #5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14  

                                              Remember to write Let statements for word probles and a final sentance       

                                    Test -->Thursday April 27                                                                                         

Math 8- Test Review.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Worksheet from class yesterday and New one today (Test will this week--> Thursday April 27)


Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method and reviewed questions for assessment on May 2. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend. (preparing for science assessment on May 2)

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Data analysis notes (Notes posted below ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method and reviewed questions for science assessment that is May 9 & May 18If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 25, 2023

Math 7 - Using algebra to solve equations day 4  (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework:Page 248 #1 to 4   Then Extra practice 5  #1 to 7 (some were done as a group)

                                              Remember to write Let statements for word probles and a final sentance       

                                    Test -->Thursday April 27                                                                                         

Math 8- Test Review.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Worksheet from class  (in the lesson below) (Test will this week--> Thursday April 27)

                          Page 308 #14a (i to iv), 15, 17(a,b), 18(ab), 20(abcd), 21abcd, #24, #25, #27, #28, #30, #31, #32

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method and reviewed questions for assessment on May 2. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend. (preparing for science assessment on May 2)

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Data analysis notes (Notes posted below ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method and reviewed questions for science assessment that is May 9 & May 18If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 24, 2023

Math 7 - Using algebra to solve equations day 3  (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework:Page 243 #1, 2, 3, 4 Extra practice 4 #3, 4, 5

                                              Remember to write Let statements for word probles and a final sentance       

                                    Test -->Thursday April 27                                                                                         

Math 8- Test Review.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 308 #1, #2, #3, #4, #5a, #7, #11, #12, #20a  (Test will this week--> Thursday April 27)

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method and reviewed questions for assessment on May 2. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend. (preparing for science assessment on May 2)

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Data analysis notes (Notes posted below ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method and reviewed questions for science assessment that is May 9 & May 18If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 21, 2023

Math 7 - Using algebra to solve equations day 2 and introduces fractions (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework:Page 239 # 4,5,6,7  & Extra practice 4 #1 & #2

                                              Remember to write Let statements for word probles and a final sentance       

                                    Test -->Thursday April 27                                                                                         

Math 8- Rate & unit rates notes.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 303-305 #5, 6, 7a, 8ab, 11a  (Test will be next week--> Thursday April 27)

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method and reviewed questions for assessment on May 2. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Video day of solving crimes (Notes posted below ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method and reviewed questions for science assessment that is May 9 & May 18If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 20, 2023

Math 7 - Using algebra to solve equations. (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework:Page 236 #1 to 4    Page 238  #1 to 3

                                              Remember to write Let statements for word probles and a final sentance                                                                                                 

Math 8- Compare Ratios.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Worksheet all questions  (Test will be next week--> Thursday April 27)

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Notes on Data analysis today. (Notes posted below ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 19, 2023

Math 7 - Using algebra tiles to solve equations Day 2. (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: WS3 -- #1ad use tile for all the rest use algebra #2, 3, 4, 5,

                                              Remember to write Let statements for word probles and a final sentance                                                                                                 

Math 8- Compare Ratios.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 284 #10, 11, 12, 13

                               Page 291 #4ace, 5ace, 6ace

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Notes on Data analysis today. (Notes posted below ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 18, 2023

Math 7 - Using algebra tiles to solve equations. Don't draw scales but just show algebrea. (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: Page 234  #1ace, 3, 4, 5, 6


Math 8- Compare Ratios.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 284 #4adf, 5adf, 5, 7, 8, 9

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Lab day to work on weather projects (5 min PPT) No notes today. (Any class notes are always ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 17, 2023

Math 7 - More examples on Balancing equations and solving for an unknown value. Don't draw scales but just show algebrea. (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: Sheet 136  attached below


Math 8- Equivalent ratios day 2.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 273-274  #11, 12a, 13, 15, 16, 17

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Video day. No notes today. (Any class notes are always ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 13, 2023

Math 7 - More examples on Balancing equations and solving for an unknown value. Don't draw scales but just show algebrea. (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: Page 229  #1cd, 2(i, iii, v) 3( i,i, iv) 4a, 5b


Math 8- Equivalent ratios.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 273-274  #5ab, 6ab, 7ab, 8ab, 9ab, 10ab

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Video day. No notes today. (Any class notes are always ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 12, 2023

Math 7 - Notes and examples on Balancing equations and solving for an unknown value. We discovered we did not need the balance sacale but could show algebrea. (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: Extra practice 2--> #1 to 5 on the fron side (Show work)


Math 8- All quizzes were handed back and we started the second part of the unit on ratios.( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 266  #4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9a(i, ii), 11a(i, ii), 14(abc)

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Assigned Final Project #2- Weather slide show. Students picked their partners & topic today. No notes today. (Any class notes are always ).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 6, 2023

Math 7 - Test results were given back today. Then Fun day(All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: None


Math 8- Quiz Day ( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- None

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Scientist in the real world  (Any class notes are always Attached as PDF on Mar. 17).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 5, 2023

Math 7 - Test day --> test results will be given back tomorrow (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: None


Math 8- Review for quiz  ( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Worksheet (attached below)  Front & Back

                              Quiz Thursday

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Discussion of science experiment demonstration  (Any class notes are always Attached as PDF on Mar. 17).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 4, 2023

Math 7 - We went more examples for tomorrow's test (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: Page 213-214  #2ab (use rectangles), #5abcd, 6bc, 8, 9, 10 bc,, #11, 12, 14cd,, 16ac, 17ab, 19 

                             Test Wednesday, April 5


Math 8- Review of sales tax, discount and changing % to decimal to fraction( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 263  #4-12

                              Quiz Thursday

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Lab day on Research of huuricanes  (Any class notes are always Attached as PDF on Mar. 17).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend

Homework: None

Posted: April 3, 2023

Math 7 - We went over Friday's test review worksheet then did subtracting Mixed Fractions (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

    Class/Homework: Page 207 #4, 5i, ii, 6abc, 7i, ii, 9   Test Wednesday, April 5


Math 8- Review of sales tax, discount and changing % to decimal to fraction( All notes from today's class is attached below)

 Class/Homework- Page 260-262 #8ii, 17     

                                Page 263  #1, 2, 3, (do % to decimal to fraction for all)

                              Quiz Thursday

Science 6 -  Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7  - Fun day since we did not get to do it last week after the test  (Any class notes are always Attached as PDF on Mar. 17).

Class/Homework: None   

Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method. If you miss note then you are to get them from a friend(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes on March 14)

Homework: None
