Welcome to Home Learning Opportunities
Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison
4/5 Duffy
Dear parents and students,
Welcome to home learning opportunities for grade 4/5D. I hope you are finding yourselves happy, healthy and spending a lot of time at home with your family. This teacher page will be your main source of information concerning home learning opportunities. This is a new adventure for all of us and we will work together to make sure this opportunity runs as smoothly as possible for all students and their families.
Below, you will find some suggested activities you can do at home this week. Please keep in mind that my number one priority as your teacher is your health and happiness. I miss you all so much and can’t wait to touch base with you again this week.
If you have any questions, please contact me @ paula.duffy@nbed.nb.ca
French Literacy
Try to read for at least 10 Minutes in French each day (See below for links to websites you can use) except Friday. If you are unsure of your current reading level, check the book you have home or have your parents send me an e-mail and I will let you know. The most important thing this week is that you are reading books in French not the level you choose. So if a book interests you, go ahead and read it.
Epic Je Lis
Epic books (code vyu7884) Je lis
Epic Instructions for log in. Je lis log in
Epic video tutorial Je lis video tutorial
Journal Entry: Try to do one journal entry this week, you can use anything you want for a journal, loose leaf, notes on your iPad, word document anything you find. You can choose a topic of your choice or use the example posted on my teacher page. Do the best you can with French vocabulary and if you need help you can use Word Reference.
See Mrs. Moody's page for LA : http://blackville.nbed.nb.ca/teacher/mrs-moody
Study your multiplication facts (PDF on my Teacher Page). This is a great opportunity for a review.
Try one of these sites to play Math games once a day 10 to 20 minutes.
Reflex Math (website here) (see document for new Log In )
Prodigy (see document for Log In) (website here click sign in)
Splash Math (see document for Log In) (website here) (class code: TRHDXL)
(Video Tutorial here)
Wellness, Physical and Emotional Ideas
Some examples of Physical and Emotional learning are:
Get active! Try to get outside or do 15 minutes of physical activity a day. Anything that brings you joy!
Have fun at home! Take a picture of yourself doing something fun or enjoying time with your family. Send those pictures to me by e-mail and I will post them on my teacher page.
Start a gratitude journal. Write down three things you are thankful for each day.
Get in touch with your artistic side. Draw or color a picture, make a craft out of items you can find in your house, use the snow as your canvas and make a picture in the snow. Get out some chalk and decorate your driveway.
Anything that makes you happy and puts a smile on your face fits in this category!
Here is a link to Mr. Sturgeon’s teacher page, there you will find many different ideas for this type of learning.