Ms. J. Hallihan

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: January 14, 2011

I hope that you all enjoyed your snow day yesterday as much as I did!  Next week, we have lots of exciting things going on, that I wanted to make sure you knew about. On Monday, Premier David Alward will be at the school to meet and talk with students.  At 9:35 am, the Grade 5’s and 7’s will be going to the Blackville rink to skate with the Premier for 1 hour.  Students need to bring with them a pair of skates and a helmet.  Please put the skates in a bag (school bag, canvas shopping bag with guards if you have them) to avoid hurting someone.  If you are free, you are welcome to come to the rink to help out tying skates! On Thursday of next week, I will be taking my class to 9 Pine restaurant  for breakfast.  The cost is $5.50.  Students will have 3 options to choose from, all at the same price.  Students will order their breakfast from me in French.  If the cost is a problem, please send a note with your child and we will take care of it. I wanted to give the students a chance to use their French in a “real-life” setting.  Please send the money as soon as you can, so that I can get the money organized before we go. We only have 3 weeks left of the Intensive French program.  I will be sorry to see it end, as many of the students will.  All Grade 5 students in the province will be doing a written assessment at the end of the program.  This is nothing to worry or stress about.  We do all the preparation in class, and the marks students receive have no bearing on their report cards.  Also, 3 classes in the district were chosen to take part in the oral assessment.  Our class was one of them.  Students will be interviewed by someone hired by the province to assess their oral proficiency.  Again, these results have no bearing on student’s report cards.  They are meant to measure how students as a group are doing in the IF program.  Have a great weekend!  

Posted: December 16, 2010

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Posted: December 16, 2010

Posted: December 16, 2010

What a fantastic week in Grade 5.  This week all groups finished presenting their dream homes.  They are on display outside our classroom if you get a chance to drop by.  Tuesday, students were treated to their Christmas dinner.  Lots of students chose to have the delicious turkey dinner prepared by our girls in the cafeteria.  Despite the surprise fire alarm during lunch, students got their bellies full!  On Wednesday, we made a giant bowl of fruit salad made and prepared by our class.  Check out our gallery to see lots of pictures of it.  My class still has that sweet citrus smell!! Today, Thursday, we left on a bus with Mrs. Sturgeon's Grade 1 class first thing this morning.  We arrived at the Miramichi Seniors Home at approx. 9:30am and set up.  By 10 am the room was full of seniors and workers.  Our students sang "Vive le vent", Mrs. Sturgeon's class sang "Do You Hear What I Hear" and together we sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."  After the singing, 2 Grade 1 students read a story about a gingerbread man.  Then, our students were ;paired with a senior to make a gingerbread man craft.  Both young and old had a wonderful morning. I was so proud of the way the students behaved on the bus and with the seniors.  They were helpful, patient and really seemed to enjoy themselves.  I believe we were all filled with a bit of the Christmas spirit by helping others.  On that same note, we recieved a beautiful "Thank You" card from David Wilson and his school picture.  We wish him well this month as he goes for his surgery. Merry Christmas! Mme Jen

Posted: December 14, 2010

When reading at home, students can use this as a model how to read their book.
We had another great week in 5JH.  We finished working on our dream homes, and have heard 3 groups present.  So far the groups have been doing a fantastic job.  Next week, your child will be coming home with a mark out of 25.  The mark is broken down into a) how hard they worked the last few weeks in class, b) how well they presented their dream home and c) how they worked with the other members of their groups.  Please sign these notes and send them back to me. Below this message you will see an audio clip of 3 of my students reading a book that you should recognize from last week, "Les crêpes de papa".  Yesterday, I purchased a special microphone that attaches to my laptop.  I can record students reading books, or their pieces of writing.  Each week I will be publishing a few of these audio clips to my blog.  Also, when I am sending a book home for students to read at home, I will have an audio of clip of me reading the book, so that you and your child can check to make sure you are pronouncing words properly.!  Hope you are getting into a festive mood! Mme Jen


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Added: Fri, Feb 12 2016