It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Posted: December 10, 2010

We had another great week in 5JH.  We finished working on our dream homes, and have heard 3 groups present.  So far the groups have been doing a fantastic job.  Next week, your child will be coming home with a mark out of 25.  The mark is broken down into a) how hard they worked the last few weeks in class, b) how well they presented their dream home and c) how they worked with the other members of their groups.  Please sign these notes and send them back to me. Below this message you will see an audio clip of 3 of my students reading a book that you should recognize from last week, "Les crêpes de papa".  Yesterday, I purchased a special microphone that attaches to my laptop.  I can record students reading books, or their pieces of writing.  Each week I will be publishing a few of these audio clips to my blog.  Also, when I am sending a book home for students to read at home, I will have an audio of clip of me reading the book, so that you and your child can check to make sure you are pronouncing words properly.!  Hope you are getting into a festive mood! Mme Jen