Posted: February 27, 2019
Ms. Duffy - Archived 08/20
Posted: February 25, 2019
Les Devoirs
1) Read/ Lire
2) Study Spelling List 18
3) Study Multiplication facts 8 and 9
Winter Carnival Days
Tuesday: Crazy Hat / Crazy Hair
Wednesday: Pink Shirt Day
Thursday: Color Day wear Orange
Friday: PJ Day
***Skating Grade 1 and 4 Leave at 9:20 - Skate from 9:45 to 10:30 *** Parents welcome to join at the rink J
Spelling list 18
Lendemain, janvier, sucre, pièce, minute, partie, rentrer, tuer
(the next day, january, sugar, piece, minute, part, go back in, kill)
Information will be sent home this week concerning the district STEM FEST.
Posted: February 21, 2019
Posted: February 13, 2019
4D will be celebrating Valentine's Day in the afternoon on Thursday, students are welcomed to bring a velentine or a treat to pass out to the class (please do not feel as though you have to). There are 15 students in the class.
Valentine's breakfast @ 9:15 tomorrow for grade 3-5, students are permitted to bring one guest to enjoy pancakes with them.
Mlle Duffy
Posted: February 12, 2019
Les Devoirs
1) Read/Lire
2) Study Spelling (Test Friday) - see list below
3) No snack cart Thursday
4) Please bring a change of clothes for gym. We have gym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for 40 minutes.
5) Pink shirt day order forms due back Friday.
List 16
neuve, fer, emporter, bientôt , vacances, saison, pousser, soi.
Meaning in english: new, iron (metal) , take/bring, soon, vacation, season, push, self
Important Dates:
Feb 14th - Pancake Breakfast (one guest per student) @ 9:15 to 10:00 in cafeteria.
Feb. 15th - T-shirt Order forms due back.
Feb. 18th - Family Day (no school)
Feb. 27th - Pink Shirt Day
Feb. 4th - Feb. 8th - March Break (no school)
Bus Notes:
Please ensure that all bus notes are sent with your child in the morning and passed into homeroom teacher (myself). The office can be notified by phone in case of emergency. Students can not board an alternate bus (one that is different from their everyday bus) without a bus note that has been verified by the office. Thanks!
What we are currently working on:
Math: Division - We ave just began division and will be going over the rule this week and next week. We will be moving on to long division and fractions after this. It is very important that students have their multiplications facts down in order to be successful in division.
Science: Currently we are learning about the three types of rocks (ignées, sédimentaires, métamorphiques) and how each are formed. We also conducted a science experiment using scientific method (la démarche scientifique). Students enjoyed mining for minerals in chocolate chip cookies. See attached documents for more info on scientific method.
FILA: We started a class novel and after each chapter will break up into groups to discuss, summarize, illustrate, predict and critic the chapter.
Posted: February 5, 2019
1) Read / Lire
2) Study Spelling (Mots Fréquents) list 15
3) Review multiplication facts for 6 and 7 (Monday and Tuesday)
4) Review multiplication facts for 8 and 9 (Wednesday and Thursday)
5) Final Multiplication quiz Friday on facts 6,7,8,9 (random facts)
6) Spelling / Mots Fréquents quiz Friday.
Mots Fréquents Liste 15
acheter, magasin, trou, église, statue, or, pendant, son
Upcoming Dates
Feb 18th - Family Day (No School)
March 4th - 8th - March Break (No School)
March 22nd - No School
Posted: January 28, 2019
In celebration of Family Literacy Day PJ DAY TOMORROW FOR K-5. Wear your pj's , bring a stuffed animal and get cozy. We will be getting together with our reading buddies in the morning and celebrating all things literacy.
1. Read / Lire (same book as last week for french).
2. Study spelling list 14 (same as last week).
3. Study multiplication facts for x9.
Posted: January 16, 2019
Les Devoirs,
1. Read /Lire
2. Spelling test Friday
3. Math quiz Friday of x7 multiplication facts. Students were asked to study each night their 7 multiplications facts.
Posted: January 14, 2019
Les Devoirs
1) Read / Lire (same book as last week)
2) Study Spelling List 13 (see below)
3) Study Multiplication facts for 7 (Mental Math in Agenda and see below.
Liste 13
Multiplication facts
7 x 1 = 7
7 x 2 = 14
7 x 3 = 21
7 x 4 = 28
7 x 5 = 35
7 x 6 = 42
7 x 7 = 49
7 x 8 = 56
7 x 9 =63
Posted: December 11, 2018
Les Devoirs
Study spelling list 11
Read and log/ lire
Study mulriplication facts 5
Please return report card sheet signed.
Young Entrepreneur Fair Wednesday for 4D - items are around 5 dollars some are less, some are a bit more.
CHRISTMAS CONCERT date Dec 18th @ 9:00am
Please see note from Mr. Hache concerning concert attire:
Just a reminder - could you get your kids to put a note in their agendas for parents to let them know that the theme for their song is "hip and cool." So, anything along the lines of sunglasses, ball hats (on backwards, sideways, etc.), chains, etc. are what we're looking for. Of course, with a Christmas twist... so Santa hats, elf costumes, Just a reminder - could you get your kids to put a note in their agendas for parents to let them know that the theme for their song is "hip and cool." So, anything along the lines of sunglasses, ball hats (on backwards, sideways, etc.), chains, etc. are what we're looking for. Of course, with a Christmas twist... so Santa hats, elf .
This was sent home in a note on Monday in your child's agenda.