Ms. Duffy - Archived 08/20

4/5 FI

Posted: October 30, 2018

Les Devoirs


1) Read and Log/ Lire 

2) Study Halloween Spelling list (see below)

3) Wednesday - wear your costume to school - no masks please

6) Thursday PJ day

7) Clothing drive: bring in old clothing or blankets in a black garbage bag labelled 4D. Winning class gets Pizza Party.  


Halloween Spelling List 
















Posted: October 28, 2018



Les Devoirs


1) Read and Log/ Lire 

2) Study Halloween Spelling list (see below)

3) Monday School Halloween Party @ 5:45pm to 6:45pm cost $4  

4) Tuesday Orange and Black Day 

5) Wednesday - wear your costume to school - no masks please

6) Thursday PJ day  


Halloween Spelling List 
















Posted: October 28, 2018

Posted: October 28, 2018

Check out the bucket filler from last week. Use link above to read all about it! 

Posted: October 28, 2018

Posted: October 28, 2018

French Culture activities with 2/3 Sobey. 

Posted: October 22, 2018


Les Devoirs


Read / Lire


Spelling words list 5


Sign Spelling Test


Clothing drive happening at school, homeroom with the most donations wins Pizza Party. Must be in black garbage bags and dropped off at office.


October 24th Movie Night: Hotel Transylvania @ 6:30 to 8:00. Cost is $5 in support of Home and School.


October 29th  Halloween Party


                              K to 2 @ 4:30 to 5:30 cost $4


                              3 – 5   @ 5:45 to 6:45 cost $4


Please remember to dress for the weather, students go outside every day.


Posted: October 18, 2018


Les Devoirs




Spelling test tomorrow.


Hat Day tomorrow


Any parents looking for extra practice at home with math facts check out . It is a great way to focus on addition and subtraction skills and builds the foundation for multiplication and division which we will be starting next week.


click: student login


username: Paula Duffy


Class: Duffy2


Click your child’s name


password: individual for your child.


If your child can’t remember their password at home, I can send home a login card to help.


Up coming date:


October 24th —Elementary Halloween Parties


November 1st – PJ Day


November 9th—Remembrance Day Program 10:00 am


Posted: October 16, 2018


Students have the same homework as normal: Read/Lire. Study spelling. 


Please do not worry about completing homework this evening, as it was a hectic day with the power outage. If you have power and would like to complete homework, please feel free. We left in a bit of a rush so students may not have everything they need for homework so we will not worry about it tonight.


I would like to say thank you to parents for answering phone calls and being available to arrange drives today, I know some of you were contacted by my EA who was an excellent help today with our class. Grade 4 dealt with today very calmly and I am proud of them for being patient with me as a franticly made phone calls. 


I hope everyone was home safe and sound and the power is back on for you all. 


Thanks Mlle Duffy 




Posted: October 15, 2018

Les Devoirs

1)      Read and  Log (English)/ Lire

2)      Study Spelling list 4 

3)      Study Mental Math Strategy # 1 Compensation (just read over strategy so that they understand the idea)

4)      Sign spelling test and do corrections.


Mots Fréquents Liste 4









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Added: Tue, Jun 9 2020


Added: Sun, Mar 8 2020