Feb 25 - Mar 1

Posted: February 25, 2019

Les Devoirs

1)    Read/ Lire

2)   Study Spelling List 18

3)   Study Multiplication facts 8 and 9

Winter Carnival Days

Tuesday: Crazy Hat / Crazy Hair

Wednesday: Pink Shirt Day

Thursday:  Color Day wear Orange

Friday: PJ Day

***Skating Grade 1 and 4 Leave at 9:20 - Skate from 9:45 to 10:30 *** Parents welcome to join at the rink J

Spelling list 18

Lendemain, janvier, sucre, pièce, minute, partie, rentrer, tuer

(the next day, january, sugar, piece, minute, part, go back in, kill)


Information will be sent home this week concerning the district STEM FEST.