Posted: November 18, 2021
Science 9- Went over I-PMAT again and then discussed why is it improtant not to have xrays during pregnancy.
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Quiz on "CellDivsion Diagram" on Tuesday Nov. 23
Math 7 - Unit on Circles continued and talked about circumference today.(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 136 #2,3,4,5,6
Math 8- Multiplication of a fraction times a fraction RULES (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 113 #13 model
Page 118 #6, 7abc, 8abc, 9, 11, USE RULES
Science 6- Last video on vertebrates "Birds"
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night