Posted: November 22, 2021
Science 9- Finished INTERSEX video and students have a quiz on MITOSIS diagram tomorrow.
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Quiz on "CellDivsion Diagram" on Tuesday Nov. 23
Math 7 - Unit on Circles continued and talked about circumference againtoday.(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Worksheet on last page of slides
Math 8- Multiplication of a fraction times a MIXED fraction RULES (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 120 #15(a), #16a
Page 125 #4abc, #5(bhe) #6(bhe), #7ab (No estimation just multiply) #9ab
Quiz Wednesday
Science 6- More terms notes on hetertrophs, autotrophs up until food chains (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night