Posted: November 5, 2018
HOMEWORK: Finish worksheet on identifying primary trig ratios
Posted: November 5, 2018
HOMEWORK: Finish worksheet on identifying primary trig ratios
Posted: November 5, 2018
Last day to load your micro:bit project...
Posted: November 2, 2018
Check out this story map that was created using ArcGIS technology. The data was collected over the two days that we paddled the Southwest Miramichi River with an app called Collector. Pictures and videos were synced to an aerial map with GPS coorinates for the location of the features of the trip. This technology can be done as a group and shared amongst group members. Using a storymap app, a trip overview can be created. We will work with this technology later on this semester...check out the storymap here:
Posted: November 2, 2018
Posted: November 2, 2018
Posted: November 2, 2018
Create a Word document that has 2 video links for each of the following interactions...
1) Predation (discussed on Friday)
2) Parasitism (discussed on Friday)
3) Mutualism (discuss next week)
4) Commensalism (discuss next week)
You will get 5 EcoPoints for each type of interaction with a BONUS of 5 more if you find over half of the links to be species from New Brunswick!
Posted: November 2, 2018
Posted: November 2, 2018
Posted: November 2, 2018
HOMEWORK: p. 332 #1 - 9 and #12
Posted: November 2, 2018
Programming the micro:bit...pick a project idea, try it and save it (to either your drive or USB)