Sept. 13

Posted: September 13, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Media form, Student Information form & Pictures

Science 9 - Students learned about he legend of Hercules then they were given notes on the light year, order of planets and earth rotation & revolution. We copied all notes under lined or slides that said copy all (See attached PDF file for the notes)

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Day3 Model integers in more than one way review  *** (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 54 # 1,2(a,b,), #5a, #6(ad),  #7(a,b) 

                             Warm Up quiz tomorrow (Similar to today's warm up)

Math 8-  Students were given examples and notes on multiplication of integers with tiles and number lines . (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 68 #5, 7, 8ac

Science 6 - Started the class with crime scene observations and questioning. Then started notes on the scientific method (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)