Sept. 7 & 8

Posted: September 7, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Take home forms

Science 9-  Homework: Find informationthe following information and write it ou on loose leaf

                           1) Find 1 Female Scientist and what did she discover?

                           2) Find one male scientist and what did he discover?

                           3) Find 2 branches of science and what do they study? (Cannot do Chemistry & Biology)

Math 7 - Students were given the course outline, textbooks assigned and reviewed that all notes are on the teacher page.. (All students had their calculators..GREAT because there are NO CELL PHONES in class)

        Homework: Take home home learning duo-tang

Math 8-  Students were given the course outline, textbooks assigned and reviewed that all notes are on the teacher page.. (Some students had their calculators...BUT others still need to get one. NO CELL PHONES in class)

                Homework: Take home home learning duo-tang

Science 6 - We went ove the class expectations, drills and who I am.