Posted: February 25, 2020
Review of Business Model Canvas and introduction to prototyping...
Posted: February 25, 2020
Review of Business Model Canvas and introduction to prototyping...
Posted: February 25, 2020
Tasks that need to be completed...
- one burner assignment submitted.
- recipe you are cooking needs to be printed and laminated.
- cardbaord sled needs to be completed.
- last minute carving to your Qunizee.
Posted: February 25, 2020
Be sure to use OneNote to make note of any steps and/or pics of progress done on your project!
Journal will be due on Friday
Posted: February 24, 2020
Working on project idea...
Posted: February 24, 2020
Discussion of Winter Carnival Pins class venture and application of the Business Model Canvas to this idea.
QUIZ on Intro & Ideation on Wednesday!
Posted: February 24, 2020
We need the following complete by Wednesday...
- Quinzees carved to completion
- Snowshoe trails done between Quinzees and back to skidoo trail
- Assignment on One Burner Outdoor Cooking submitted to
- Ingredients/Supplies brought in for meals
Posted: February 24, 2020
Now that we sorted out using OneNote... make sure Friday's journal is complete with pictures/links/text!
Posted: February 21, 2020
Continue working on a MAKE project idea... once decided begin to research and start learning the skills.
Posted: February 21, 2020
Students reminaing are to be working on Class Venture... Winter Carnival Pins for BizPoints!
Posted: February 21, 2020
Cross Country Skiiing in Nelson...
NOTE: Be sure to grab need supplies/equipment for one burner meal next Wednesday AND be prepared to finish Quinzees & Cardboard Sleds on Monday/Tuesday.
Posted: February 21, 2020
Continue working on project idea... journal must be done today.'
Login to
Go to Teams and class notebook... find tab with Feb. 21 and complete journal entry.
NOTE: Downloading 'OneNote' will allow you to submit from a mobile device... easier to insert pictures!
Posted: February 20, 2020
Generating a MakerSpace project...
Posted: February 20, 2020
Finished the Business Model Canvas
Worked on Class Entreprenurial Project... Winter Carnival Pins
Posted: February 20, 2020
Intro. to Cross Country Skiiing
One burner Cooking
Assignment - One Burner Recipe (due Tuesday, Feb. 25th)... see attached
Posted: February 20, 2020
Working on project #1.. research equipment and skills