Ms O'Keefe - Archived - 09/2016 Notes

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Posted: January 25, 2016

Reviewed MIxed and Improper fractions.  See the attached PDF file for the lesson and the worksheet.

Class/HomeworkFinish Sheet 173 Mixed and Improper Fractions  All Questions #1 to #6

Posted: January 22, 2016

Monday we will be starting Unit 3: Operations with Fractions but TODAY we reviewed grade 7 material on writing equivalent fractions and reducing fractions.  Students were given a worksheet to work on after they copied down notes and went over examples on the board.  Unit 1 Test, that was written yesterday, was marked and returned to all students today.

Homework:  Complete the Worksheet 137, #1 to #8  (attached as PDF file below)

                  Sign and return Unit 1 Test

Posted: January 21, 2016

No Homework since we had our Unit 1 Test on Perfect Squares and Pythagorean Theorem today.


Posted: January 20, 2016

     Since the test is tomorrow we did more review questions. See the attached PDF file for today's notes and examples.   Students must memorize perfect squares up to 15x15=225.  Students cannot use calculators for the test. (The homework sheet from last night and today's warm-ups look very similar to the test. On the worksheet we had large numbers but the students were told that the test will only focus on perfect squares of 15x15 and smaller.) In class we went over any questions the students asked then moved onto bookwork (This is not homeowrk but if they need more practice they may do these questions to help them study for the test)

Homework:  Study for the TEST on Unit 1 Perfect Squares & Pytagorean Theorem (Which is tomorrow Jan. 21)

Bookwork from class: Pg50-51 #17,

                                     Pg 55 4a, 7, 9(abc), 11a, 14(a,f),

                                     Pg 56 17(ab), 18(ab), 19a, 21, 27


Posted: January 19, 2016

Today we reviewed for the Test which is THURSDAY, Jan. 21.  Students must memorize perfect squares up to 15x15=225.  Students cannot us calculators for the test.


Class/Homework: Finish Worksheet from class (All questions are simialr to test questions) (ATTACHED as PDF Below)

                            Study for the test that is THURSDAY, Jan. 21

Posted: January 18, 2016

Today we reviewed Pythagorean Theorem and applying the equations to real-life situations. 

Class/Homework:   pg. 49 & 50  #6, #7, #9, #10, #11, #16

                            Unit 1 Square Roots & Pythagorean Theorem Test THURSDAY, Jan. 21, 2016

                           Test outline:  5 MC & 9 Long Response (Detailed outline given tomorrow in class)

                              NO CALCULATORS for the test (Students must know perfect squares from 12, to 152 {needs to be MEMORIZED})

PDF icon jan_18_grade_8_section_1_7.pdf2.04 MB
