Posted: January 20, 2016
Since the test is tomorrow we did more review questions. See the attached PDF file for today's notes and examples. Students must memorize perfect squares up to 15x15=225. Students cannot use calculators for the test. (The homework sheet from last night and today's warm-ups look very similar to the test. On the worksheet we had large numbers but the students were told that the test will only focus on perfect squares of 15x15 and smaller.) In class we went over any questions the students asked then moved onto bookwork (This is not homeowrk but if they need more practice they may do these questions to help them study for the test)
Homework: Study for the TEST on Unit 1 Perfect Squares & Pytagorean Theorem (Which is tomorrow Jan. 21)
Bookwork from class: Pg50-51 #17,
Pg 55 4a, 7, 9(abc), 11a, 14(a,f),
Pg 56 17(ab), 18(ab), 19a, 21, 27