Posted: November 10, 2021
See attached “Weekly Agenda for links and videos”
Welcome to Home Learning
Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison
4/5 Duffy
Morning Message: Listen to the morning message “Le Jour du Souvenir” and practice question at the end of first slide.
Question : Pourquoi est-ce que le jour de souvenir est important ?
Answer : Je pense que le jour du souvenir est important parce-que …
Vocabulary and In Flanders Field poem attached below for those interested.
***Those without internet, you can just practice the question with someone at home.
Phrases de Mots Fréquents List 6: Click on link and listen to the video. I have recorded myself reading “les mots frequents phrase” and given examples of sentences. In your Hilroy scribbler or on loose leaf, try your best to write a sentence for each word.
autre (another)
chaque (each)
journaux (newspaper / journal)
promener (to walk)
quand (when)
prendre (to take)
en arrière (behind / backward)
Reading: Please read in French every day.
I have recorded guided reading books, and students can continue to work on their book they have at home or those who picked up supplies at school can choose a new book from the bag (make sure the title is below).
Those with chapter books, will work on chapters 1-3 this week.
Je Lis: Students can log in to Je Lis and access books at their level. Students’ usernames are attached below, the password is red1.
I would ask that students be respectful of others and only log in to their own account. This website can also be used for daily reading.
I will also attach PDF books that can be downloaded and do not require internet once on your device.
Un feu sur la colline de Joujouville
Un amerissage d’urgence ch 1-2 et ch 3-4
Des insectes pour le petit-déjeuner
Gr 4: Telling Time lesson 4 and worksheet. Watch the video for lesson 4 on telling time, this is the last telling time lesson.
When done complete worksheet located in your home learning pack or in attachments.
Gr 5: La capaciter lesson 1 and worksheet. Listen to the video for lesson 1 on capacity, this is a new lesson.
When done, complete worksheet (capacity 1) found in the home learning pack or in attachments.
Grade 4 and 5: Study multiplication facts for x7 (PDF in attachments)
***For those with limited internet access, you can work on any sheet located in your home learning pack and study multiplication facts.
English Literacy
Grade 4 see Ms. Shaddick’s teacher page.
Grade 5 see Ms. Clark’s teacher page.
Social and Emotional
These are just extra activities for those who are interested. It is not a requirement for home learning. They are just fun activities to get you moving and grooving!
Today I suggested some art. How to draw poppies or 60 second art How to draw a poppy.
Send me a photo of your artwork and I will post it on my teacher page!
Check out Mr. Sturgeon’s teacher page for some Phys Ed ideas and Mr. Hache’s for music.
See you Friday, tomorrow is Remembrance Day / Le Jour du Souvenir.
Mlle Duffy