Ms L'Huillier - Archive - 9/2012

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Posted: March 29, 2012

Grade 8 classes have been discussing the things that make adolescent magazines appealing to people at that age.  They have been working on their articles and other magazine components (quizzes, games, horoscopes, ads, etc.)  I should have one artcile passed in from each student by now. Tthey continue to work on them in class, flex period and at home until the end of next week, when all final copies are due!   Grade 7 classes have been discussing and reading about David Suzuki and his acheivements over the years.  They will look at small biographies of several other famous Canadians befor the unit is finished.   Grade 6(M) has started a unti on Robots.  We have been discussing the routines/typical days we have at home, in the morning, during the school day and then after school.

Posted: March 14, 2012

Les classes de 8e travaillent des questions pour une sondage/questionnaire pour voir qu'est ce qu'ils devraient mettre dans leurs revues. Tous les élèves doivent écrire un article de fond pour leur revue cette semaine, alors il faut rechercher d'informations.   Les classes de 7e travaillent à finir leurs biographie d'une grande personnalité Canadien. Tous les élèves doivent écrire la bonne copie pour vendredi.   La classe de 6M travaille pour finir les livres d'automne.  On parle des robots aussi!    

Posted: February 28, 2012

Today grade 8 French classes took an article from the Quebec magazine "L'actualité" and altered its wording and format to make it more appealing to adolescents. Grade 7 classes worked on finishing their biographies on famous Canadians and started personal letter writing.  Biography drafts not passed in are due next class!  Thursday for 7W and tomorrow for 7D.Book reports are due Friday for both grade 7 and 8 classes.  

Posted: February 21, 2012

Aujourd'hui les 8e ont regardé des articles des revues de Québec pour faire la comparaison entre le format d'un article d'adulte et une d'ados. On avait déjà regardé les mêmes articles pour le contenu. On travaille toujours sur nos "revue pour ados, par ados." Les 7e ont parlé des personnes importantes pour eux et ont travaillé sur leurs biographies d'une grande personnalité canadienne. Devoirs pour les 8s & 7s: Travaille sur les comptes rendus et recherche pour les articles/biographies.

Posted: February 15, 2012

Il faut rechercher d'information pour écrire une biographie d'une canadienne reconnue pour vendredi!

Posted: February 14, 2012

7D & 7W Est-ce que tu m'as passer votre brouillon de science et votre copie finale de ta biographie d'un ami? Commence la recherche pour votre biographie d'une personne reconnue canadienne. 8L & 8D Assurer que vous avez faites de la recherche pour l'article de fonds pour vos revues!

Posted: December 22, 2011

Les 7e et 8e années ont fait des décorations de noël avec des ampoules and du peintures!  Ils sont fantastique!The grade 7 & 8 classes made Christmas decorations with lightbulbs and paint!  They turned out great!

Posted: December 14, 2011

8L/8D - We've been working on our museum designs.  They are due Monday!  I know many are close to finished but some need a lot more work.  You've had a lot of time to do these and they shouldn't take that long with the use of your term "mini projects" to help you.7W/7D - We have spent some of last week and this week writing draft copies of stories on the fictional topic of the students' choice.                       7W - If I do not have your draft copy as of today it is now late.  Please hand it in ASAP.                     7D - Drafts are due tomorrow at the end of class.  You will be given the class to finish them up tomorrow.   6M - We are finishing up the presentations of the fall projects.  If they are not done by the end of day tomorrow you are losing marks rapidly!  Next up procedural writing.

Posted: December 11, 2011

Every grade 8 student has received a paper copy of this, but in case they 'misplace' it here is the digital copy!  If there are any problems opening it feel free to email me.  I tries to upload a version that should be compatible with most word processing programs.
Microsoft Office document icon projet_final_older__version.doc27 KB

Posted: December 6, 2011

Lundi le 19 décembre ont va commencer les présentations de vos projet final.  Les musées du 20e siècle.  Si vous avez fini avant le 19 déc. vous pouvez présenter.  Laissez-moi savoir.Parents: This unit's final project (a museum design for the 20th century) is due Monday the 19th of December.  We will spedn three days that week presenting the projects and then doing some french Christmas activities.  If anyone is done their project before then they may present prior to that week.


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Added: Wed, Nov 30 2011


Final Project details - Grade 8