Posted: November 29, 2013
Ms. J. Hallihan
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: November 14, 2013
Posted: November 13, 2013
Les chansons
Posted: November 13, 2013
Les chansons
Posted: November 13, 2013
Our Apple Project
Elementary students did an interdisciplinary unit on apples in October. We finished the unit with a special day with apple themed activities. Some Grade 5 students put together a presentation with pictures and video of the day. I am very happy with how it turned out and proud of elementary students for their hard work. Please click the link to watch.
Posted: October 23, 2013
Posted: October 23, 2013
Posted: October 23, 2013
We have been busy learning about our homes, and how to describe them. We also took part in an interdisciplinary unit on apples. This included reading a book on apples, discussing them and doing a craft. On Monday, students rotated to different classes to participate in activities related to apples. They learned amazing apple facts, wrote a poem, did a craft and listened to songs about apples. We finished the day with a "Big Crunch" with all students biting into a juicy apple at the same time.
On Tuesday, Grade 5 got to show their leadership skills. Everyone in Grade 5 was given a special job to help the primary teachers and students with their apple activities. Some students read to the children, some were our photographers, some were in charge of keeping us on track by telling us when to change activities and most did lots of little jobs to help primary teachers with their activities. I was very proud of "mes petits chou-choux". Every teacher in Primary told me that my students were mature, helpful and good role models. :)
Mme Jen
Posted: October 18, 2013
Posted: October 18, 2013
Madame Jen
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Added: Fri, Feb 12 2016