Ms. Duffy

Grade 2

Posted: December 15, 2020


Cafeteria will be closed Friday December 18th and there will be no snack cart. Please send a snack and lunch with your child on this day. 

Cafeteria will also be closed the first week back January 4th to 8th. Students will not be able to buy lunch or snack. 


Please be sure to send a hat, mittens, and ski pants with your child each day. Students go outside every day at lunch and need to be prepared. Some students have been struggling with being cold during outdoor recess.  

Happy Tuesday!


Mlle Duffy 


Posted: December 15, 2020

Posted: December 14, 2020

Posted: December 13, 2020

Les Devoirs 

1) No homework this week 



Monday-Christmas character

Tuesday -Red and green

Wednesday- Ugly sweater 

Thursday-Candy cane 

Friday-PJ day




Please send two clean face masks to school each day. Face masks should be washed after each day or wear. 


Happy Holidays! 


Posted: December 10, 2020

Les Devoirs 

1) read 

2) hat day 

3) please return quiz signed. 


Please check and sign your child's agenda each night.  Be sure to check for notices and newsletters that may have been sent home. This weeks newsletter is still in some students agenda and it contains information about dress up days next week. 

Dress Up Days 

Monday-Christmas character

Tuesday -Red and green

Wednesday- Ugly sweater 

Thursday-Candy cane 

Friday-PJ day  

Posted: December 10, 2020

Posted: December 6, 2020

Les Devoirs

1)   Read

2)  Gym Clothes

3)  No Words

4)  No Math


Upcoming Dates:

December 9th – Virtual X-mas concert taping.


Video to be shown at later date.  


Dress Up Days

December 14th to 18th  


Monday - Christmas Character

Tuesday - Red and Green

Wednesday- Ugly Sweater

Thursday - Candy cane

Friday - PJ day

Posted: December 5, 2020

Posted: December 3, 2020

Posted: December 2, 2020

It is PJ Day tomorrow. You can wear pyjamas for a donation of $2. Donation will be going towards purchasing Christmas materials for seniors. 


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