Ms. Duffy

Grade 2

Posted: February 5, 2025

Students had so much fun skating. Big thank you to all the parents and other adults who jumped in to help with skates and helmets. Your help today was very much appreciated! Our class can not wait to go again next week! 

Click link below for photos.

Posted: February 3, 2025

Posted: February 3, 2025

Upcoming Dates:


February 5th, 12th, 19th & 26thSkating in Renous

February 17thFamily Day (no school) 



Literacy:Read three nights this week. Return books Friday.

Math: 10 more 10 less worksheet. Due Friday.

Homework Help Video



When: Every Wednesday in February.

Where: Tom Donovan Arena (Renous rink)

Time: leaving the school at 12:30pm, returning at 1:45pm.

Parents are welcome to join us. Students must have skates and a hockey/skating helmet to be on the ice. Boots are not allowed on the ice.


Outdoor Time 

Please be sure to send students to school with everything they need for outside (hat, mittens, snow pants and jacket). Students go out three times a day. All students are encouraged to go outside and will only be permitted to stay inside with special circumstances (ex: illness) and a note/reason from home.  



In literacy this week we are reviewing “_ed” words. You add "ed"to a word to make it past tense. For example, "jump" becomes "jumped" in the past tense. 


Extra Practice:

yelled - pulled - fixed - picked – ended - rested


Heart Words (irregular words)


who - does - said – any – many- once




We have been working on 10 more, 10 less, 1 more and 1 less.

Extra Practice in math:

·        Counting money (nickels and dimes only) up to $1.00.

·        Friends of ten.

·        Doubles ( 5 + 5 = 10)

·        Doubles + 1 ( 5 + 6 = 11)

·        Subtraction within 20 (random questions)

19 – 3 = 16

15 – 7 = 8

13 – 8 = 5

17 – 9 = 8

12 – 10 = 2

9 – 5 = 4

18 – 9 = 9

14 – 6 = 8

17 – 1 = 16

12 – 8 = 4


·        Friends of ten subtraction:

10 – 10 = 0

10 – 9 = 1

10 – 1 = 9

10 – 8 = 2

10 – 2 = 8

10 – 7 = 3

10 – 3 = 7

10 – 6 = 4

10 – 4 = 6

10 – 5 = 5

·        Subtraction from 20 (using friends of ten)











20-10= 10


Doubles song 1

Doubles song 2

Doubles + 1 song 1

Doubles + 1 song 2

Friends of ten song 

Subtraction from 10 song

Subtraction within 20 song

New Making ten song



Ms. Duffy

Posted: January 27, 2025

Upcoming Dates:


February 5th, 12th, 19th & 26thSkating in Renous

February 17thFamily Day (no school) 




Literacy:Read three nights this week. Return books Friday.


Math: No homework   



When: Every Wednesday in February.

Where: Renous rink

Time: 12:40 to 1:45pm


Parents are welcome to join us. Students must have skates and a hockey/skating helmet to be on the ice. Boots are not allowed on the ice.


Outdoor Time


Please be sure to send students to school with everything they need for outside (hat, mittens, snow pants and jacket). Students go out three times a day.


Literacy (same as last week)


In literacy this week we are review “_es” words. These are words we add "-es" to make the words plural. When words end in the letter’s "s", "ch", "sh", “tch”, "ss", "x", or "z" we add es.


For example, "business" becomes "businesses" and "fox" becomes "foxes".


Extra Practice.

glasses – dishes – lashes - boxes – lunches - brushes


Heart Words (irregular words)


who - does - said – two -once




We will continue to review skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.


We are also working on making or bridging to 10 to add.

For example: 8 + 5, take 2 from 5 to make 8 10 and you are left with 10 + 3 = 13, so 8 + 5 = 13.


This is new and has been a difficult concept for students.


Extra Practice in math:


·        Counting money (nickels and dimes only) up to $1.00.

·        Friends of ten.

·        Doubles ( 5 + 5 = 10)

·        Doubles + 1 ( 5 + 6 = 11)

·        Subtraction within 20 (random questions)


19 – 3 = 16

15 – 7 = 8

13 – 8 = 5

17 – 9 = 8

12 – 10 = 2

9 – 5 = 4

18 – 9 = 9

14 – 6 = 8

17 – 1 = 16

12 – 8 = 4


Have a great week!


·        Friends of ten subtraction:

10 – 10 = 0

10 – 9 = 1

10 – 1 = 9

10 – 8 = 2

10 – 2 = 8

10 – 7 = 3

10 – 3 = 7

10 – 6 = 4

10 – 4 = 6

10 – 5 = 5


·        Subtraction from 20 (using friends of ten)











20-10= 10


Doubles song 1

Doubles song 2

Doubles + 1 song 1

Doubles + 1 song 2

Friends of ten song 

Subtraction from 10 song

Subtraction within 20 song

New Making ten song



Ms. Duffy

Posted: January 19, 2025

Upcoming Dates: 

February 5th, 12th, 19th & 26thSkating in Renous

February 17thFamily Day (no school) 



Literacy:Read three nights this week. Return books Friday.

Math: Worksheet on bridging to 10. This is new and may be difficult. See help video below.   

Homework Help Video link



When: Every Wednesday in February.

Where: Renous rink

Time: 12:40 to 1:45pm

Parents are welcome to join us and help with skates and helmets. Students must have skates and a hockey/skating helmet to be on the ice. Boots are not allowed on the ice.



In literacy this week we are review “_es” words. These are words we add "-es" to make the words plural. When words end in the letters "s", "ch", "sh", "ss", "x", or "z" we add es.


For example, "business" becomes "businesses" and "fox" becomes "foxes".


Extra Practice.

glasses – dishes – lashes - boxes – lunches - brushes 

Heart Words (irregular words)

 who - does - said – two -once



We will continue to review skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

We are also working on making or bridging to 10 to add.

For example: 8 + 5, take 2 from 5 to make 8 10 and you are left with 10 + 3 = 13, so 8 + 5 = 13.

***This is new and has been a difficult concept for students.

Extra Practice in math:

   ·        Counting money (nickels and dimes only) up to $1.00.

·        Friends of ten.

·        Doubles ( 5 + 5 = 10)

·        Doubles + 1 ( 5 + 6 = 11)

·        Subtraction within 20 (random questions)

19 – 3 = 16

15 – 7 = 8

13 – 8 = 5

17 – 9 = 8

12 – 10 = 2

9 – 5 = 4

18 – 9 = 9

14 – 6 = 8

17 – 1 = 16

12 – 8 = 4

Have a great week!

Posted: January 19, 2025

Posted: January 16, 2025

Posted: January 13, 2025

Upcoming Dates:


January 17thShow and Tell

February 17thFamily Day (no school) 

 Click here for photos from Playtime on Friday





Literacy:Read three nights this week. Return books Friday.


Math: Worksheet on counting by 2’s and 5’s. Due Friday.  




In literacy this week we are review “_ge/j/” words. These are words that have a “g” that makes an “j” sound and bossy e” at the end. The “bossy e” makes the first vowel say its own name. See list below for extra practice.




Heart Words (irregular words)


who - by - said – one-once




We will continue to review skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.


We worked on skip counting by 2’s starting at an odd #. For example: 1,3,5,7,9,11…


We also worked on skip counting by 10’s stating with different numbers between 0-10. For example:




We are also working on making 10.


For example:  9 + 6= ?,  9+1=10,  10+5=15


Extra Practice in math:


·        Counting money (nickels and dimes only) up to $1.00.


·        Subtraction within 20 (random questions)


19 – 3 = 16

15 – 7 = 8

13 – 8 = 5

17 – 9 = 8

12 – 10 = 2

9 – 5 = 4

18 – 9 = 9

14 – 6 = 8

17 – 1 = 16

12 – 8 = 4


·        Friends of ten subtraction:

10 – 10 = 0

10 – 9 = 1

10 – 1 = 9

10 – 8 = 2

10 – 2 = 8

10 – 7 = 3

10 – 3 = 7

10 – 6 = 4

10 – 4 = 6

10 – 5 = 5


·        Subtraction from 20 (using friends of ten)











20-10= 10

Doubles song 1

Doubles song 2

Doubles + 1 song 1

Doubles + 1 song 2

Friends of ten song 

Subtraction from 10 song

Subtraction within 20 song

New Making ten song


Ms. Duffy


Image Galleries

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