Ms. Duffy - Archived 08/20

4/5 FI

Posted: January 27, 2020

Posted: January 27, 2020

Posted: January 27, 2020

Posted: January 27, 2020

Les Devoirs

1)    Read and complete reading challenge.

2)   Study Spelling list 14 (see video)  

3)   Math Sheet due Friday (see video for help).

4)   Library

5)   Sign Spelling Quiz


Mots Fréquents






je suis




Reading Challenge

Our class will be participating in a reading challenge this week. As part of their nightly homework, students will be asked to complete some of the challenges at home.                                 

Tuesday: Read your French book out loud to someone at home. Can be any person in your household and does not have to be the entire book. Students are encouraged to read some of their French book, and explain the passage to the person listening.

Wednesday: Read your French book while snuggled up in your favorite blanket with a stuffed animal.

Thursday: Draw a picture inspired by something that happened in your book.


Maker Space Application

Posted: January 24, 2020

Have a nice weekend! 

No school Monday

Please finish any incomplete homework (grey/black duotang) and return Tuesday. 

Posted: January 22, 2020


Sign Spelling

Finish homework 

Sign Math Quiz 

PJ Day Friday

Please read public health notice that was sent home today. 


Posted: January 21, 2020

Massive shout out goes out to Riley Mullin in grade 4. I was very excited to be watching the local news and see his artwork come up on the weather watcher screen. Way to go! 

check out the link below and look at Jan 21st video.

Posted: January 20, 2020

Some students in our class had their bags featured on the Blackville School Facebook page. Elementary students created bags with words of encouragement for those high school students writing exams this week. Our class chose to create bilingual bags for high school students. 

Posted: January 20, 2020


Les Devoirs


1)    Read French Book each night


2)   Study Spelling List 13 (see video)


3)   Math Sheet due Friday.


4)   Sign Math Quiz’s (blue duotang)


5)   Sign Spelling Quiz






We are currently working a multiplication unit.


Grade 4: working on multiplication up to 9 x 9 and have touched on multiplying two digit numbers by 1 digit.  We have gone over strategies for multiplying any number by 0, 1, 10, 100, 100 and 1000.  This week they will continue to look at multiplying numbers such as 35 x 7 and move on to basic division.


It is very important that students know their multiplication facts. Some students have mastered facts up to 9 x 9 and can just review them periodically. If students are still struggling to recall these facts automatically, they should be studied frequently at home.

Grade 5: working on multiplication of larger numbers and reviewing multiplication of two or three digit numbers by one digit. We have reviewed some strategies on how this can be done and worked on sample questions. We will be moving on to multiplying two digit by two digit and division of larger numbers.

It is very important that students know their multiplication facts. Some students have mastered facts up to 9 x 12 and can just review them periodically. If students are still struggling to recall these facts automatically, they should be studied frequently at home.


Mots Fréquents









Posted: January 20, 2020


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Jun 9 2020


Added: Sun, Mar 8 2020