Posted: January 27, 2020
Les Devoirs
1) Read and complete reading challenge.
2) Study Spelling list 14 (see video)
3) Math Sheet due Friday (see video for help).
4) Library
5) Sign Spelling Quiz
Mots Fréquents
je suis
Reading Challenge
Our class will be participating in a reading challenge this week. As part of their nightly homework, students will be asked to complete some of the challenges at home.
Tuesday: Read your French book out loud to someone at home. Can be any person in your household and does not have to be the entire book. Students are encouraged to read some of their French book, and explain the passage to the person listening.
Wednesday: Read your French book while snuggled up in your favorite blanket with a stuffed animal.
Thursday: Draw a picture inspired by something that happened in your book.
Maker Space Application