Ms. Duffy - Archived 08/20

4/5 FI

Posted: April 27, 2020

Celui-ci était dificile mes amis. Si vous essayez le, m'envoyer une photo.

Posted: April 26, 2020

Grade 6 PIF.

For those of you looking to practice your french skills, check out the activity below. Look at the example and then try to describe the robot on the second page. Hope you are all doing well.

Mlle Duffy 

PDF icon le_robot.pdf120.8 KB



Welcome to Home Learning Opportunities

Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison

4/5 Duffy

Semaine 4


Dear parents and students,

Welcome back to home learning opportunities for grade 4/5D week 4. I hope everyone enjoyed the weather over the weekend. Thank you to those students who sent a photo of their artwork, I loved seeing them!  

Please see the attachments below for the Week 4 Agenda and any other documents you may need this week.


French Literacy

I would like students to again take advantage of the Je Lis website. Please find this weeks suggested titles below. If you are unsure what book or level to choose, please send me an email and I will send you your title


Books:         Une letter a Samuel             Faire de la plongée libre avec Mamie

                   Pratiquer les sports d’équipe        Capitaine Ricardo

                   La Ferme de Grand-Père           Petit dinosaure se cache

                   Mais ou est Katia

Have a great week and don’t forget to email photos of any fun things you are doing at home. I will post them on my teacher page for everyone to see. Please feel free to email with questions or if you just want to connect, I will e-mail you back.

I miss you all!


Mlle Duffy


*Some links in Agenda Week 4 were not working, they are now live but you may have to refresh the page and reopen Agenda to see up dates. Sometimes Google Chrome will reload the page from your last visit and not show new content. Some students are not seeing everything I post (pictures, new messages etc.) this may be why.   

Happy Birthday/ Bonne Fête Sophie. J'espère que tu vas passé une bonne...

Posted: April 22, 2020

Big shout out to Chloe and Keenan for sending artwork this week. I love them. Je l'adore! 

Posted: April 22, 2020

It’s Earth Day!

C’est Le Jour De La Terre!

Joyeux Jour de la Terre ! Sortez et amusez-vous aujourd'hui mes amis. Essayez de faire quelque chose pour votre planète.

Interested in some Earth Day activities?

·       Click here for Jour de la Terre musique.

·       Click here for tips you can do at home.

·       Remember Ranger Rob? Click here to watch a Earth Day episode en Français.

·       Art Hub for Kids also has an Earth Day themed lesson. Click here or here.


Don’t forget to send me photos of fun things you are doing at home (  I received a funny cheeseburger already which can be found in the gallery of my teacher page. I would love to see what more of you are up to.


Vous me manquez!

Posted: April 21, 2020

 Voici mon cheeseburger drôle...

Posted: April 19, 2020

Hey Grade 6 PIF. Comment ça va? I hope you are all doing well. This week if you would like to work on your french skills, I encourage you to continue to work through the questions from last week. If you can do these easily, try listening to a story in french. Click the link below. Mlle Duffy

Posted: April 19, 2020


Welcome to Home Learning Opportunities

Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison

4/5 Duffy

Semaine 3


Dear parents and students, 

Welcome back to home learning opportunities for grade 4/5D week 3. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I miss you all very much. In an effort to shorten my weekly posts, the following documents can be found in attachments.


Daily Agenda for Week 3 (with links to everything you need).

Detailed Agenda Week 3 (with more detail, similar to what was was posted on my page last week).

Any other documents you might need this week (see weekly agenda).    


***Please let me know if you are unable to open or view any of the documents in the attachments section and I will make sure to get you what you need.  

Book Titles


This week I would like students to take advantage of the Je Lis website. Some have been using it a lot during home learning, it is a great website that will read the books to you. Please find this weeks suggested titles below. If you are unsure what book or level to choose, please send me an e-mail and I will send you your title.



Une carte de l’école                  Refuge animal

L’Équipe                                    Une grosse boite de bananes

Le jardin de l’école                   Au Jeu !   

Le monde sous-mairin 


I hope you are all doing well and I can’t wait to talk to you all again this week!


Mlle Duffy 

STEAM activity will be posted once it is made available on the ASDN website.  *** Activities are now posted below. I have posted all three issues as some may have already attempted week 3 last week. Don't forget that le 22 avril is EARTH DAY / LE JOUR DE LA TERRE. What can you do for your planet? 


Just wanted to wish my students and their families a great weekend/bonne fin de semaine. I am very proud of your efforts during this time of home learning. I wanted to give a big shout-out to Garland M for sending me a photo of his artwork this week! Check out our Sea Turtle in the gallery.  

Have a great weekend! Talk to you next week. 

Mlle Duffy 



Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Jun 9 2020


Added: Sun, Mar 8 2020