Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/23

1 <3 (Science & Math)

Posted: September 13, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Media form, Student Information form & Pictures

Science 9 - Students learned about he legend of Hercules then they were given notes on the light year, order of planets and earth rotation & revolution. We copied all notes under lined or slides that said copy all (See attached PDF file for the notes)

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Day3 Model integers in more than one way review  *** (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 54 # 1,2(a,b,), #5a, #6(ad),  #7(a,b) 

                             Warm Up quiz tomorrow (Similar to today's warm up)

Math 8-  Students were given examples and notes on multiplication of integers with tiles and number lines . (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 68 #5, 7, 8ac

Science 6 - Started the class with crime scene observations and questioning. Then started notes on the scientific method (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

Posted: September 10, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Media form, Student Information form & Pictures

Science 9 - Students learned about the legend of Orion then they were given an assignment on their zodiac sign.  

        Homework:  Finish the Zodiac assignment (Pass this in on MONDAY)

Math 7 -  Day 1 of Integer addition using tiles (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish Worksheet Both front and back (Most were done in 15 minutes) (ATTACHED below as PDF)

Math 8- Students reviewed modelling subtraction of integers with tiles and number lines and revied the rules for addition and subtraction of integers.

         Homework: Finish the worksheet from class. #1c, 2a, 3b, 4ac, 5a, 8abcd (WS Attached below as PDF)


Science 6 - Looking at how scientist are portrayed on the internet and on tv. Notes on scientific inquiry 


Posted: September 9, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Media form, Student Information form & Pictures

Science 9-  Note attached in the PDF file on Constellations and definitions of terms.

Math 7 - Review of grade 6 integers on representing with tiles &ordering 

        Homework: Students finished their sheet in class (But also attached int he lesson below)

Math 8-  Students reviewed grade 6 & 7 integer representation with tiles & number lines. As well we reviewed modelling addition of integers with tiles and number lines

                Homework: NONE

Science 6 - Students were asked to draw a picture of a scientist and what they think scientist use in their work.

Posted: September 7, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Take home forms

Science 9-  Homework: Find informationthe following information and write it ou on loose leaf

                           1) Find 1 Female Scientist and what did she discover?

                           2) Find one male scientist and what did he discover?

                           3) Find 2 branches of science and what do they study? (Cannot do Chemistry & Biology)

Math 7 - Students were given the course outline, textbooks assigned and reviewed that all notes are on the teacher page.. (All students had their calculators..GREAT because there are NO CELL PHONES in class)

        Homework: Take home home learning duo-tang

Math 8-  Students were given the course outline, textbooks assigned and reviewed that all notes are on the teacher page.. (Some students had their calculators...BUT others still need to get one. NO CELL PHONES in class)

                Homework: Take home home learning duo-tang

Science 6 - We went ove the class expectations, drills and who I am.

Posted: June 11, 2021

Science 7 - Video day (David Suzuki - A Dogs life) Scientist studying the action of dog

Math 8- BBQ day 

Science 9 - Study for your Exam on Wednesday, June 16 (8:35- 10:35) Must stay until 10:05 

             (36 Multiple choice, 10 True & False, 12 Matching, 16 short response (valued 42 in total))

             Total points for the exam 100 


Posted: June 9, 2021

Science 7 -Students typed up their project materials, and procedures in the lab today.

          Homework:  Bring in your demonstration materials

 Math 8-O Volume of cylinders .  We worked on the following but it is NOT for homework. Quiz open book tomorrow

        Page 218   #5, 6, 8

Math 8D- Review of Surface area of a cylinder and started Volume of a Cylinder. (See PDF file for notes below)

    We worked on the following but it is NOT for homework  QUIZ Friday (open book)

            Page 212    #9, #10

                         Page 218 #5, #6

 Science 9-  Everyone has a copy of the exam outline. We worked on them today and we will again to it tomorrow and Friday

                   Homework: Study for Science 9 Exam that is Wednesday June 16 at 8:35 

Posted: June 7, 2021

Science 7 -Notes on dissolved solids. See attached PDF for a copy.

          Homework:  Bring in your demonstration materials

 Math 8- Surface Area of cylinders day 2. We continued to work onPage 212 #4abc, #6abc , #8, 9, 10

No Homework

 Science 9-  I went to the MUSIC room Period 2 and handed ouththe exam outline (For those not there I will hand it out when youreturn tomorrow)

                   Homework: Study for Science 9 Exam that is Wednesday June 16 at 8:35 

Posted: June 3, 2021

Science 7 -Students made desalination apparatus and place them outside to see if we can separate the salt from the salt water.

          Homework:  Bring in your demonstration materials

 Math 8- Surface Area of cylinders We will continue to work on Page 212 #4abc, #6abc tomorrow

No Homework

 Science 9-  Test today on Reproduction

                   Homework: Study for Science 9 Exam that is Wednesday June 16 at 8:35 (

Posted: June 2, 2021

Science 7 -Notes on Hard and Soft water (Attached as PDF below)

          Homework:  Bring in your demonstration materials

 Math 8- Volume of rectangular prism 

       homework:  Page 205-206 #5, 6, 8, 10, 11

 Science 9- Study for Science 9 test that is Thursday June 3 (Test outline atttached below it was handed out last Thursday)

Posted: June 1, 2021

Science 7 - Lab day. We went to the computer lab so students can research a science "demonstration" to the class of their choice.

Homework:  Bring in your demonstration materials


Math 8- Volume of rectangular prism 

  homework:  Page 198 #4, 5, 6a, 7, 9


Science 9- Study for Science 9 test that is Thursday June 3 (Test outline atttached below it was handed out last Thursday)


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Apr 13 2022