Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/19

Mrs. O'Keefe

Posted: September 22, 2017

Continued with review for Unit 4 Powers & Roots Test which is Tuesday.  Students were given a booklet of notes to refer to and study from BUT this cannot be used during the test so therfore need to be studied.

Class/Homework:  Test Review Worksheet (Side 2)  

Unit 4 Test Tuesday, Sept. 26

Posted: September 21, 2017

Order of operations day2

Class/Homework:  Page 92-93  #7(df), 8(ALL...SHOW work) 

                               TEST wil be Tuesday Sept.  26

Posted: September 21, 2017

Test Review worksheet was given today that resembles the test which is Tuesday.

Classwork: Worked on worksheet and we will finish them tomorrow  (Sheet is slide 3-5 in attached PDF)

                Study TEST Tuesday, Sept 26

Posted: September 20, 2017

Order of operations with integers day 1- Notes and examples are attached

Class/Homework:  Page 92  #3(a,b,d,f)MUST WORK IT OUT and show work,  #5,  #7(a,b,c,e)

                        Quiz Tomorrow (similar to warm up today on rules of +, -, x, /)



Posted: September 20, 2017

Quiz Day - (Before the quiz we went over 6 examples that were similar to the quiz questions and went over any homeowrk questions that students did not understand).

Class/Homework:  Worksheet #2 Laws of Exponents  #1 to 7, & #11

Posted: September 19, 2017

Review of subtraction rules for integerg

Class/Homework: Worksheet 283 Review of Subtraction (Attached below)

Posted: September 19, 2017

Quiz review and laws of exponents review

Homework: Page 241-242  #3(a,c), #4(a,c), #5(a,c), #6(a,c), #8(a,c,e,g), #9(a,c,e,g)

                   Quiz Tomorrow (Similar to warm up and laws of exponent question added on)

Posted: September 18, 2017

We reviewed additon of intergers (with tiles, numberlines and rules) before we start order of operations.

Class/Homework:  Worksheet 235 "Re4view of Gr 7 Addition of Integers" - ALL questions

Posted: September 18, 2017

Negative exponent laws

Class/Homework:  Page 233-234  #3(a,b), #4(a,c), #6(a,c), #7(a,b,c), #9(ac), 10a, 12, 13(a,b)

Quiz Wednesday  (Similar to warm up and today questions)

Test on Unit 4 Roots & Powers TUESDAY, Sept. 26

Posted: September 15, 2017

Period 3 (Math 8Du) went on the Terry Fox Run

Period 4 (Math Da) played Interger Jeopardy

No Homework
