Ms. Turcotte - Archived - 09/2016 Notes

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Posted: December 18, 2010

December 18, 2010   MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!  HAVE A VERY JOYOUS AND FUN-FILLED HOLIDAY!!   Good evening, everyone.  Can you believe this, only four days left in this school year and your child has covered so...much, thus far, in Math.  Both Grade 5 and Grade 6 classes, wrote tests on Thursday and Friday, on decimals and multiplication and division.  As well, Grade 6 had some time in the computer lab working on I have seen so much growth in the students over the past four months.  Confidence, is helping them achieve and knowing that making a mistake and learning from the mistake is helping them become more successful.  It is in due to their hard work and encouragement from home.  The flex time has been so beneficial to the Grade 6 students where they get help in a smaller group setting.  Students seem to be taking advantage of this time and the results are very encouraging. We will continue with these strands after break as well as more focus on division and the reinforcement of fractions.  Because of these outcomesI have provided activities to ready your child for these upcoming concepts. This exercise during the hoildays will keep your child connected to math while having fun tracking what happens over the days leading up to Christmas!! Christmas Baking Take your favorite recipe, double it, convert it to metric and use only a teaspoon and ¼ cup to measure. Use an oven thermometer to compare the actual temperature to the stove setting. Convert this to Celsius. Or be extra crazy for math and change the ingredient amounts into math questions! By the way, how long does it take a turkey to cook in seconds? Recipe Converter Christmas Recipes for Kids Check out this great site with Gingerbread Man Math Activities! Christmas Budget Get everyone to prepare a shopping budget and stick to it! Teach the kids how to use a spreadsheet. Compare your actual expenditures with your budget at the end. Teaching Kids the Value of Bucks How to Use a Spreadsheet Christmas Lights How many Christmas lights are on your house? How many extra watts of power are they using? How about your street, the neighborhood, your city, the world? How much energy and money can a community save by switching to LED lights? How Christmas Lights Work The following is a quote from one of the old favorites...The Grinch who Stole Christmas... And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”Enjoy the holidays and remember to stay safe.  See you all in the 2011!!!  Mrs. R. Turcotte

Posted: December 10, 2010

December 10, 2010        Fun Games for Math Practice This exercise will help kids practice Math in a fun way. Kids related to games very well. From preschool / kindergarten to grade 6 levels of math games. There are games for the following topics: Games to practice Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division,   Good evening parents and guardians of Grade 5 and 6 Math students...Two weeks left and the elves are busy turning out Math problems!!!  They have been working on the unit of multiplying and division, showing left to right as well as modeling with base ten.  Daily quizzes have been showing more success, as each day, new strategies are looked at.  It is hoped that reinforcement is done as part of the nightly homework.  One recommendation is to make home quizzes following the daily in class quiz. questions.  The above are activities that your child can open and reinforce daily strategies.   Grade 6 had a brief introduction to both mixed numbers and improper fractions while the Grade 5 had fun playing Multiplication Tic Tac Toe.  This is the time to encourage your child to be aware of Math around us and to bring Math to them at Christmas in the form of games, books and going on the recommended web sites.  I extend to all a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed and heartfelt new year!!  Mrs. Turcotte

Posted: December 5, 2010

December 05, 2010                          The seat of knowledge is in the head, of wisdom,                                      in the heart.                                            William Hazlitt     Good evening parents and Guardians of Grade 5 and Grade 6 Math students.  There are three weeks left until the holidays and students are very engaged in completing activities and reinforcing outcomes and strategies taught thus far.  Between quizzes, hands on  activities, games, computer related sites and working on the Explore and Connect section of the text that is related top the curriculum outcomes, students seem to be having FUN with Math.  We are working on the decimal unit, with Grade 6 and the multiplication and dividing unit with Grade 5.  Both grades are modelling numbers using base ten.  The Grade 5 students were given sheets to help reinforce strategies on multiplication.  It is these strategies that will be covered daily and that should be mastered.  Please insure your child practices outcomes, nightly. website.......www.blackgold math The fThe future depends on what we do in the present. - Mahatma Gandhi uture depends on what we do in the present. - Mahatma Gandhi The future depend

Posted: November 28, 2010

Novemeber 28, 2010   Parents of Grade 5 and 6 Math students.... We have less than a month left until the Christmas holidays and for the most part students are working tiredlessly to do their best.  Grade 6 had a busy week with project presentations and finishing up the unit on Integers.  Test was completed this week.   Grade 5 had theirs returned on Friday.  Grade 6 will get their test back tomorrow.  All tests are to be corrected and signed.  I was very pleased with the results, especially the Grade 6 test on integers and order of operations.  Students are encouraged to revisit strands taught on a regular basis and to visit web sites to help reinforce strategies.  Grade 6 has started their new unit on multiplying on decimals and were given strategies to help when dropping in the decimal.  Use of base ten helps when modeling.  We have looked at estimation and the strategies of front end, compatibles and compensating.  Grade 5 will be working on multiplying with two digit x 2 digit and will look at strategies such as modeling with base ten, left to right and right to left.  All students are encouraged to study the meanings of factors, product, quotient, multiples... You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved

Posted: November 20, 2010

Novemeber 20, 2010   Once again, the students of Grade 5 and 6, Math were busy. Grade 5 continued with Estimation while preparing for a test, covering place value and estimating. Grade 6 worked so...hard on a interdisciplinary unit, where all students worked at achieving outcomes in all disciplines, while doing a Science unit.  Evidence of team collaboration and testing was evident. They will be presenting these projects on Monday.  All students are encouraged to do their best!! Our next unit will be on Multiplying and Dividing whole numbers as we still revisit integers, estimation, and orders of operations.  As you are aware, your son/daughter of Grade 5 and Grade 6 did not have the necessary time to complete the end of unit test so they will finish this during their next Math class. The cold weather is now upon us and therefore all students are encouraged to wear warm clothes as they will be expected to go outside during the mild days. R. Turcotte     Don't be the one you see but be the one you want to be."    

Posted: November 12, 2010

November 12, 2010   Good evening, parents and guardians of Grade 5 and Grade 6 Math students.  It's hard to believe we are now into the middle of another month.  Students have worked so hard following the Atlantic Curriculum and have made many gains, thus far. This week, Grade 5 enjoyed the Problem of the Day and worked with a peer to find answers to higher level interest problems. We will continue work in estimation and students will be looking at a number of questions involving all operations where they are asked to find an answer that is reasonable, not exact.  Students are expected to contuinue their study with facts and to do nightly review of the different strategies that are outlined in their math duotang.  NOTE:  Tutoring, next Wednesday, will be on Wednesday morning at 8 0'clock, instead of the regular time.  This will be for this week only.   Grade 6 had Problem of the Day and worked dilgently on Orders of Operations and Integers.  Today, they had a quiz on these concepts. Mrs. R. Turcotte    "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." E.E. Cummings

Posted: November 5, 2010

November 05, 2010   Thank you, goes out to those parents who were able to get into Parent Teacher.  It is hoped that this open communication will continue throughout the year.  I invite those that were not able to get in, to call or make an appointment, if you would like to discuss your child's progress.  Students have been enjoying the Problem of the Day, where collaboration and teamwork, are evident. Grade 5 has been busy with the strand focusing on Estimation.  Terms such as compensation, front-end rounding and compatibles are introduced and give your child another. way to look at numbers.  Tutoring will continue on Wednesdays, unless students are told otherwise.  Even if your child does not attend I encourage that the studying of facts always be part of the nightly homework. This week our Grade 6 students wrote a Unit test on prime and composite numbers where results were very good.  This is in part to the continued hard work of your child.  We have now moved into the 'Orders of Operation', and 'Integers'.  These are two strands that may present challenges, so I am encouraging students to attend Flex for Math help, if they wish.                                                                                                          3 X 4 + 6 - 3 + (9 X 3) Wednesday, is our Remembrance Day ceremony, at school. This is a very reflective ceremony, where we are all reminded of the losses of so many Canadians, in order for us to gain our freedom.  A reminder that Thursday students will not be in school. R. Turcotte

Posted: October 30, 2010

Parents and guardians of Grade 5 and Grade 6 Math students..... I recently posted our weekely outcomes but inadvertently forgot to save closing.  I want to let you know about the Parent Teacher on Thursday, Nov. 4th from 6-8:30 and Friday, Nov. 5th from 9-11:30.  It is hoped that I will get the chance to meet with the majority of parents.  If this is not possible, please feel free to call and set up an appointment.  R. Turcotte   Success is making mistakes and learning from them.................

Posted: October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween, parents of Grade 5 and Grade 6 students.  Can you believe it, another month of school behind us and kids are well on their way to the routines that accompany new grade levels.  Students have been wonderful to work with as they have been enjoying the challenges presented, sometimes getting frustrated, other times rising to the occassion.  We have been busy this past week working on the concepts of place value and the number strands of multiples, factors, composite and prime numbers.  Both levels wrote tests today, Friday, on these strands.  It is hoped that next week we can move into a stronger focus on estimation in Grade 5, as well as the strategies used in finding outcomes.  Students were given outlines of these strategies at the beginning of the school year and should be looked at, nightly. Both integers and order of operations, will be strands taught in  Grade 6.  It is hoped that   

Posted: October 23, 2010

October 23, 2010                                                                    Good afternoon, parents of Grade 5 and Grade 6 Math class students.  This has been another busy week as we have been working on developing a stronger sense of number.  Grade 5 has been having fun with 1 000 000, as they have been writing, reading and expanding numbers, sometimes with the use of the calculator, which they have really enjoyed. They also are more aware of books, that are available, in the library, that are math geared, yet have a fun twist. One class was set aside for kids to read and to browse some of these books.  They also had a chance to share with a peer. During our tutoring time, the students worked on reinforcing strategies taught throughout the week.  It is refreshing to see the enthusiasm these kids put forward in this small group setting.  The practicing of these strategies is a must and students are encouraged to continue this as part of the homework.  One of our classes had the opportunity to visit the computer lab and to browse the website,  www.Math 5 Spy Guys. Grade 6 students have moved into factoring numbers.  They have been working with math tiles as they reinforce prime and composite numbers.  I am encouraging students to read over the meanings of the various math terminology we use,daily, as this will help to reinforce a better understanding of the concepts taught.   I I have appreciated the phone calls from both parents and students. I encourage this as it helps to keep learning three fold. A reminder that October 27th is another CI day and students will not be having classes.      The power of imagination makes us infinite.John Muir  

Posted: October 15, 2010

October 15, 2010      Good evening, parents of Grade 5 and Grade 6 students.  We have had a very week in the Math classrooms as work was done on numbers as we started our Unit 2 on Understanding Numbers.  Students in Grade 5 used their knowledge of patterns to learn about 1 million. We looked at the standard form of numbers along with both written and expanded form. They played games using cards and worked at making six digit numbers while being mindful of place value.  Re-introduction of base ten was used to reinforce numbers.  The Grade 6 worked on finding prime numbers, using the hundreds chart.  They learned about common multiples and how to find them using a number line or hundreds chart.  Some of the more challenging problems required a calculator.  This is not always encouraged but there are times that it is necessary.  We read articles using the Guiness Book of Records.  It is recommended that searching the internet for data relating to sport scores, populations or money, would be a way to connect the home to child.  The Grade 6 had a great trip to McAllister's Farm where they received information on the life of trees and the importance of having enough snow to cover the base of the trees.  We were treated to apples,and hot chocolate.  There was a BBQ for those whp wanted to eat out.  Students were also treated to a walk throuh the haunted house.  All was Fun!! Children enjoyed a hay drive around the farm.  Lots of pictures were taken and it is hoped that they will be out on the web, shortly.  The kids were a great bunch of enthuisists. Have a great weekend and we will catch up again next week.   Youth is like spring, an over praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes.  Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.  ~Samuel Butler

Posted: October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010     Good evening parents and students of Grade 5 and 6 Math.  Well, we have written our first Math test, on Patterns and I am pleased to say the results have been good. There are still several students who have not finished due to absenteeism or because of pace in completion, so it will be a couple of days before marks are given back. We will be going over the test during class on Tuesday so kids will get another reinforcement of those areas in which they had trouble. Several students, in Grade 5, were asking about noon hour help but unfortunately due to the fact that I am teaching during the Elementary noon hour, I am not able to help and for that reason tutoring is on Wednesday, after school.  This will be every Wednesday unless I am attending meetings. Our next unit for both grades will be Exploring Large Numbers where students will be working with place value charts. The following are activities you could use to enhance your child's learning....together, plan the cost of a family outing or trip...Help your child read large numbers in newspapers or magazines...encourage your child to estimate the total cost of several items....use a pack of cards and  play a game with your child to see who can make the largest number when seven cards are drawn.. the number of activities are endless.  This may be something that can be done over the upcoming, long weekend, as a family and have fun!!!  Mrs. R. Turcotte        

Posted: September 29, 2010

September 29, 2010       Today, after school, our Grade 5 had a very encouraging tutoring session.  There were about 20 students from both classess attend this very alternate means of reinforcing the daily activities.  Students worked with peers to find a number of equations to complement problems.  During this time students are so at ease with asking questions. Concerns were addresssed with patterns, that may have occurred in the class but students may not have felt as comfortable in the large group to ask for help.  They feel more at ease in this small group setting away from their classroom as well as being in a place where friends gather to experience the power of working together. Kids were all engaged and very excited while working with students from both classes.  Great Job, guys!  This tutoring will be every Wednesday, from 3 til 4.  Snacks are encouraged, as it can be somewhat of a long day from lunch til' supper. The Grade 6 receive extra help durimg the Flex period, each day. Tomorrow both Grade 5 and Grade 6 will have their first Unit test on 'Patterns' I have been getting a number of calls form students regarding Math homework.  I encourage this and appreciate the input from both student sand parents. A reminder that on Oct. 7th and 8th there will be no school for students but both groups can keep connected by going on line with the Math websites.  This past week we were working with activities from the www.IXL website.          “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”

Posted: September 23, 2010

September 23, 2010    Today, the Grade 5 and 6 Math classes worked collaboratively in problem solving a number of tasks.  Together, in teams, they were given various scenarios and were asked to write equations that could be used in this problem solving endeavor.  Peers listened to strategies and worked at finding suitable solutions.  Team building and exposure to another's ideas or methods was noted.  Students are encouraged to use the Problem Solving Approach in "reading, thinking, planning, doing and looking back".  The majority of the students benefited from this worthwhile task.  Last week our Grade 5's got a chance to go to the Computer lab where they were given a Math site to browse and to do some of the activities related to the topic on patterns.  Each time we go, the students will be given a new site and are asked to go into these at home, as well.  www.national library of virtual manipulatives.  nlvm    I am pleased to have students calling me, at home, for help on homework.  This is encouraged as it keeps the line of communication open between home and school.  Sometimes parents stress toooo...... much and it can make the child second guess what they are expected to do.  I appreciate all the help from home, and I think that what you, as parents do, to insure your child gets the best education, is to be commended.  However, I really want to emphasize the student input and connections to the strands is what is also most important and I want them to be very mindful of the daily instruction so that they become more accountable for assignments.  This is what is to be encouraged, if they are to meet the year goals.  To parents, I extend an open invite to come in anytime if you want me to go over strategies.  R. Turcotte    The door is always open to those who are willing to enter..... 

Posted: September 18, 2010

September 18th, 2010   I"m back!!  As you were aware I was out most of last week, fortunately, I was in contact with the supply teachers on a daily basis.  Students, because of their great work ethic, were engaged in daily activities, related to the unit on Patterns and were given assistance when necessary.  Work will continue in this unit until the 30th of September when students will have their first Math test for this new school year.  I have re-evaluated tutoring and have decided that I will be having the Grade 5's, after school.  The Grade 6 students already have a flex period, daily, where they can receive help. Therefore, I will be having tutoring for the Grade 5s on the 29th of September , after school, from 3:00 til 4:00, with parent pick up.  Students are encouraged to bring a snack.  I have begun quizzes  and I am very impressed with the results.  These are not timed test and focus is on the multipliction facts, only. On the quizzes, to date, 100% of the students, in Grade 5, have acceptable results.  This is in part to home, school and your child.  Working together helps to keep the drive to succeed in all our students. Thus far, the Grade 6 students are doing a number of mental math questions by auditory means, only. The students enjoy this challenge and are learning how to make number connections.    Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin Any questions or concerns, please call.  R. Turcotte    
