Team Building!!

Posted: September 23, 2010

September 23, 2010    Today, the Grade 5 and 6 Math classes worked collaboratively in problem solving a number of tasks.  Together, in teams, they were given various scenarios and were asked to write equations that could be used in this problem solving endeavor.  Peers listened to strategies and worked at finding suitable solutions.  Team building and exposure to another's ideas or methods was noted.  Students are encouraged to use the Problem Solving Approach in "reading, thinking, planning, doing and looking back".  The majority of the students benefited from this worthwhile task.  Last week our Grade 5's got a chance to go to the Computer lab where they were given a Math site to browse and to do some of the activities related to the topic on patterns.  Each time we go, the students will be given a new site and are asked to go into these at home, as well.  www.national library of virtual manipulatives.  nlvm    I am pleased to have students calling me, at home, for help on homework.  This is encouraged as it keeps the line of communication open between home and school.  Sometimes parents stress toooo...... much and it can make the child second guess what they are expected to do.  I appreciate all the help from home, and I think that what you, as parents do, to insure your child gets the best education, is to be commended.  However, I really want to emphasize the student input and connections to the strands is what is also most important and I want them to be very mindful of the daily instruction so that they become more accountable for assignments.  This is what is to be encouraged, if they are to meet the year goals.  To parents, I extend an open invite to come in anytime if you want me to go over strategies.  R. Turcotte    The door is always open to those who are willing to enter.....