Ms. J. Underhill - Archived - 09/2016 Notes

Courses: English 9, English 112, History 112 and 113


Posted: September 23, 2015

Handed back Short Story Elements quiz and went over the quiz.  Dictated notes on Roald Dahl, the author to our upcoming short story. Please make sure if you were absent, that you get these notes from a classmate. Handed out the short story "Lamb to the Slaughter." Make sure you read the full version one that I handed out (this version has all of the vocabulary in it).  Homework: Complete the following vocabulary (definition and the sentence from the story) for "Lamb to the Slaughter." -translucent-placid-luxuriate-precinct-spanner-trifle-exasperate-belched

Posted: September 21, 2015

Students wrote their test on the Age of Reason today. There is no homework tonight.   

Posted: September 21, 2015

Today was the final day to work on autobiographies. All autobiographies should have been passed into me by the end of the day. Please make sure you bring your journals and novels with you to class tomorrow.   *Please be reading your novel at home (20-30 mins per night).

Posted: September 21, 2015

Students wrote their Short Story Elements quiz in class today. There is no homework tonight. *Please make sure you are reading your novel at home (20-30 mins per night)

Posted: September 18, 2015

Today students were in the computer lab working on their autobiographies.    You will have time to work on them again on Monday as I will be booking th lab for us. The due date has been extended to Monday September 21, 2015 (NO excuses!)   Please be advised that students should only be working on this assignment at school and not at home. There was no homework assigned last week and this week for a reason.   **Make sure you bring a novel with you on Monday!

Posted: September 18, 2015

Today in class we corrected homework from last night ("The Possibility of Evil" #5-12) We also reviewed for the Short Story Elements Quiz which will be on Monday September 21. Please review the 3 sheets that were passed out in previous classes and review the stories that we have read and discussed in class: "Twins", "The Lottery" and "The Possibility of Evil".  Homework: Study for quiz on Monday!

Posted: September 17, 2015

Please have your test outline completed for tomorrow's class.    We will be going over the test outline in class tomorrow (it is important for you to be there!) This is your study guide for your history test which will be on Monday.    

Posted: September 17, 2015

We were in the computer lab today. Students were working on typing up their good/final copy of their autobiography.   Autobiographies are due tomorrow Friday September 18, 2015!     *Reminder: Please be reading your novel at home!

Posted: September 17, 2015

Today in class we went over "The Possibilty of Evil" vocabulary and questions that were assigned for homework last night.   Homework: Students started the remainder of the questions in class and should have them completed for tomorrow's class.   Reminder: Short Story Elements Quiz will be on Monday     *Please make sure you are reading your novel at home!    

Posted: September 16, 2015

Today in class we went over the quiz from yesterday.  The test outline was given out and questions were assigned for homework. Please complete up to "Rousseau" on the sheet. See attachment for questions. 
PDF icon outline.pdf167.41 KB

Posted: September 16, 2015

Please remember to bring your own USB tomorrow as you will be going to the computer lab to work on your autobiogrphy again.

Posted: September 16, 2015

Today in class we read "The Possibility of Evil" by Shirley Jackson. Homework: Vocabulary and questions #1-4 (Please see attachment for both) 
PDF icon questions.pdf146.01 KB
PDF icon vocabulary.pdf108.57 KB

Posted: September 15, 2015

We had our quiz on the Scientific Revolution today.  We also read Section 3 "The Impact of the Enlightenment." Handout given about The 7 Years War; please make sure you have this as it will be study material. Homework: Read over the notes given today in class

Posted: September 15, 2015

In class we wrote our 3rd journal entry.  We also worked on our draft copy of our autobiography; some students have gotten to the peer editing stage which is great! Tomorrow we will be going to the computer lab. Please bring your USB.   Reminder: Find a novel to read! You should be reading at least 20-30 minutes per night.

Posted: September 15, 2015

Today we went over the homework from "The Lottery" (#5-13). Homework: Finish "The Possibility of Evil" ranking sheet if you did not already do so in class. Please read "The Possibility of Evil" as we will be discussing it tomorrow in class. **Remember to be reading your Elements of a Short Story, Use of Literary Devices in a Short Story and Irony and the Short Story handouts as this will help you with the upcoming quiz. Reminder: Find a novel and start reading at least 20-30 mins per night.
