Ms. Duffy - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: March 28, 2017

Report Cards will be sent home today, please detach last page sign and return to homeroom teacher.

Parent teacher times are listed on report cards.

No school Friday


Book Fair Wednesday is viewing only, the fair will be open during parent teacher and Thursday during school hours.


Vesey’s Seeds fundraiser has been sent home, fundraising is on a volunteer basis only.





Posted: October 28, 2016

7D Homeroom

October 31st - Dress up day - no masks please

November 7th - Picture Retakes

November 7th - School clothing forms due

Novermber 10th - Rememberance Ceremony @  10 am - all welcome 

November 11th - No school - Lest We Forget

November 17th - Parent teacher in the pm (Time TBA)

November 18th - Parent teacher in the am (TIme TBA)

6D French

Still working hard at our fall themed books.

7D & 7O

Begining presentations on Inventions on Tuesday


Writing a paragraph on musique from the past.





Posted: October 25, 2016

7D Homeroom

Popcorn $ due tomorrow.

Please dress for the weather, its turning cold outside.

October 26th Dance 7:00 - 9:00 - Halloween themed- No masks

October 31st Dress up day - No masks , no clowns.

November 7th Picture retakes - SMILE

November 11Th no school - Lest We Forget

November 17th parent teacher  - time TBA

November 18th parent teacher - time TBA (no school) 

6D French

We are busy working on a fall themed book, the grade 6's are slowing getting into a middle school routine. Way to go!

7D & 7O

We started a new unit and the students are doing a small research project and presentation on inventions.


The grade 8' are talking about music of the past and the difference compared to todays music.

Keep Up The Great Work Middle School!!!


Posted: October 19, 2016

7D Homeroom

October 26th Halloween dance - time TBA

October 31st is dress up day - no masks or clouns

Picture retakes are November 7th

No School November 11th

7D French

Check out the stellar interview (next post) done by the grade 7 PIF class. AMAZING JOB! more to follow

6D French

Check out our fall tree (next post), the students had to talk about a fall photo and then docrated a leaf with that photo. It turned out great!

7O French

We started a new unit this week on big and small inventions and we will be doing a research project later this week and next week.

8M French

We just finished talking about cars from the past and now we are moving on to musique. The students will be comparing todays music to that from the past.



Posted: October 16, 2016

7D homeroom 

Immunization Monday October 17th for both grade 7 classes 

Correction: picture retakes are November 7th not 3rd

Book Order due October 19th 

Hey parents make sure you ask your child about the middle school newsletter. Sign the ballot on the back and give your child a chance to win a prize! 

Please keep in mind that the weather is changing and students need to dress for cooler temperatures. 

Don't forget to check out the Blackville  Tallon for student features and school news.



Posted: October 11, 2016

7D homeroom

Immunization forms are due

Picture retakes are Nov. 3rd

Book Orders due Oct. 19th

7D & 7O

Immunization forms should be returned Wednesday to homeroom teacher.

6D French

There are still 3 students who did not bring thier fall themed photo to class, tomorrow is your last chance as you had three weeks to do this. Those students who do not bring thier fall photo will recieve a 0/15.

7O,7D & 8M

No homework

Posted: October 10, 2016


7D Homeroom 

Please return imunization forms ASAP, we need them in as soon as possible.

French Homework


Students in 6D are reminded that if you have not brought in a fall photo (this can be any picture, from a magazine, the internet, a selfie anything fall themed) that Tuesday is their last chance. Students who have not brought thier photo will receive a zero on the presentation as they have had almost three weeks to bring one. 

7O, 8M, 7D

no homework 

Posted: September 28, 2016


Just a few reminders for Middle School and 7D:

Walk-A-Thon donations due Friday. This is a fundraiser to help repair the damage caused to the elementary soccer field. This is a great cause to support and middle school students are asked to raise a minimum of $25.00. Those students able to raising 25 dollars or above will miss 2 classes on Friday September 30th to participate in the Walk-A-Thon.

Students are reminded that pop, energy drinks and coffee/ Tea are not permitted at school. Students are encouraged to bring a reusable cup to help prevent spills in the classroom and at school.

Please remember this is a scent free environment

NO SCHOOL October 6th, 7thand 10th WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Having a great week in Middle School!



French 6D

Fall photo, have this at school no later than Friday please.


Posted: September 19, 2016


Just wanted to drop a little note and give a few friendly reminders of upcoming events and dates.

7D and 7O please sign and return Health permission forms.

Please fill out and return student info sheets, media form and field trip forms.

Parents are reminded that bus students are not permitted to walk/bike to or from school without a signed note from their parents. Parents are able to write a single note for the year but it is parents responsible to know how their child will be travelling each day.

Walkers are not permitted to leave until after all first run busses have left (3:10pm).

MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE: Thursday @ 7:00 - 9:00 - school dress code applies - students are not permitted to leave the dance early unless a parent or a guardian comes to the school to pick them up. This means no walking.


Please bring in a fall themed picture. This can be any type of picture; a picture of you or your family, something printed from he internet, any fall themed photo.

Have a great week!!!!!

Posted: September 13, 2016


Just wanted to drop a little note and give a few friendly reminders of upcoming events and dates.

Thursday September 15th – Please return pictures

Thursday September 15th- Meet the teacher @ 6:00

7D and 7O please sign and return Health permission forms.

Please fill out and return student info sheets, media form and field trip forms.

Parents are reminded that bus students are not permitted to walk/bike to or from school without a signed note from their parents. Parents are able to write a single note for the year but it is parents responsible to know how their child will be travelling each day.

Walkers are not permitted to leav until after all first run busses have left (3:10pm).

If students arrive to school after 8:30 they must sign in at the office before heading to homeroom.

Pop and energy drinks not permitted at school.

Parents are remind that students are only permitted one alternative bus stop for the year, meaning students are not to have bus notes written for their friends’ houses or multiple other locations. These arrangements are to be made outside of school.

Teachers would like to encourage our middle school students to use their agendas regularly, they should be writing down daily homework and it is a great place for parent communication.

Keep up the great work 7D!!!!!

Posted: September 6, 2016


Welcome Back 7D!


Hello and welcome back to Blackville School, I am very pleased and excited to have you all back in my homeroom again. I am looking forward to another great year with you and can’t wait to get started!


Here are a few housekeeping items:


  • Please pay student fee as soon as possible- you can do so to me or at the office.

  • Picture Day September 8th 2016 – SMILE!!!!!!

  • Please fill out student information sheet and return them to me as soon as possible, please take note that form is double sided and are laid out differently this year.

  • Please sign and return Media and Field Trip permission forms.

  • Meet the teacher September 15th


See you tomorrow!


Ms. Duffy


Posted: December 4, 2015

6D - Homeroom * Newsletter sent home today - please read it carefully. It has a lot of great info on it! *Reminder: students must go home after school if they have a school activity that starts after 4:00. If they are staying they must stay in the open area where there is supervision until the events begins. * X-mas Dinner Dec 9th - Price is 7.25 * Information on X-mas concert and band night available at school website: * Dec 10th Middle school social - cost $5.00 - canteen will be available on site. 6D & 6O We are still working on describing our robots and both classes began a paragraph describing their robots. Please start saving items at home to build your robot at school. Please feel free to send items to school as you collect them. ----No Homework---- 7M We are currently working a book about big and small inventions. Students need to make sure they make good use of all class time as some are falling behind. ----No Homework---- 8D & 8W We are currently working our magazine project, students were to completed an interview of another classmate and typed it last class. If students are not finished typing their interview they are now behind and need to make better use of class time. ---No Homework----

Posted: November 25, 2015

6D Homeroom Christmas Social Dec 10thPlease return report card comment sheet signedCold weather is here, please dress for it.  Some students were outside today without jackets, hats or mittens. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO WEAR THIER COATS ALL DAY LONG IN SCHOOL - ONLY OUTSIDE :)In the cafeteria: some students who buy have been spending a majority of their money at snack time and are not able to buy a proper lunch as they do not have enough money to cover the coast. Buying can become costly, so please speak with your children to make sure they are spending their lunch money wisely. We are noticing a lot of students asking others for food or money as well as not eating at all.Christmas concert for K-5 and choir and band night information is listed on school website: Social December 10th at 7:00PM TO 9:00 PM COST IS $5.00.    6D & 6O FrenchWe are continuing to discuss robots and their different functions. We have finished describing robots that we already know (Ex: Wall-E, R2D2 etc.). We will move on to creating or own robot this week and deciding what functions they will perform. Please start saving recycled items to build your own robot from.  7M French Students are currently working on a paragraph about a big invention, I am asking each student to increase the amount they are writing from one paragraph to two. Most students are finished their draft copy and will begin their good copy Thursday. Those who are not finished their draft are falling a bit behind and may have to finish on their own time.  8D French We are continuing to talk about our magazine which each student will be creating.  Students completed a movie trailer critique and are now working on interview questions for an article they will create. They will be interviewing another member of their class. At this point students should know what 4 sections/ categories will be in their magazine.  This will be a very large projectJ. 8W French Students are working a movie trailer critique and will move on to interview questions later in the week.  At this point students should know what 4 sections/ categories will be in their magazine.  This will be a very large projectJ.

Posted: November 24, 2015

6D Homeroom   Christmas Social Dec 10th Please return report card comment sheet signed Cold weather is here, please dress for it.  Some students were outside today without jackets, hats or mittens. J   6D & 6O French We are continuing to discuss robots and their different functions. We are currently describing robots that we already know (Ex: Wall-E, R2D2 etc.). We will move on to creating or own robot this week and deciding what functions they will perform.   Please start saving recycled items to build your own robot from.   7M French   Students are currently working on a paragraph about a big invention, I am asking each student to increase the amount they are writing from one paragraph to two. Most students are finished their draft copy and will begin their good copy Thursday. Those who are not finished their draft are falling a bit behind and may have to finish on their own time.   8D French   We are continuing to talk about our magazine which each student will be creating.  Students completed a movie trailer critique and are now working on interview questions for an article they will create. They will be interviewing another member of their class.   At this point students should know what 4 sections/ categories will be in their magazine.  This will be a very large projectJ.   8W French   Students are working a movie trailer critique and will move on to interview questions later in the week.    At this point students should know what 4 sections/ categories will be in their magazine.  This will be a very large projectJ.    

Posted: November 18, 2015

6D HomeroomParent Teacher Thursday 4:30pm to 7:00 pm and Friday 9:00 am to 11:00 am Anti Bullying Week November 16th to November 19th Thursday is Jersey Day and Mix It Up Day 6D and 6OWe are talking about Robots and the different functions of a robot. Please start saving recycled items to build your robot with.  7MPick a big invention to research 8D and 8WThink about articles you like to read.
