
Posted: March 19, 2012

Students who will be in grades 11 ands 12 in the next school year can now apply for positions for the 2013 yearbook. Details can be obtained from Mr. Carter. The deadline for application letters is Thursday, March 29.

Posted: March 1, 2012

 Blackville School would like to thank all Staff and Students who participated in the 5th Annual Pink Shirt Day. Many classes had 100% participation ! Way to go Eagles.  Check out the Photo Gallery for Pictures.    

Posted: February 28, 2012

The Annual Principal's Cup game will take place in Sunny Corner tomorrow, Wednesday, February 29th, 2012.  A team of Grade 6 Blackville Eagles will face-off in a hockey game against a team of Grade 6 North & South Esk Beavers.  The game is slated to take place around 12:00pm at the Sunny Corner arena.  The grade 6 students will be to cheer on our Eagles.  Students are leaving the school around 11am and are expected to return by 2pm.  The canteen at the arena will be open and the price list has been provided (see below). Poutine$2.00 small $3.00 mediumFries$2.00Onion Rings$2.00Popcorn$3.00H

Posted: February 27, 2012

Wear your new BHS Anti-Bullying t-shirts or a pink shirt of your own to show you support for making a difference in our school.  

Posted: February 23, 2012

Monday- Dress like an animal character Tuesday-PJ Day Wednesday-Pink Day or Crazy hat day or both if you wish. Thursday-Blue and Gold Day Friday- Jersey Day

Posted: February 23, 2012

Monday--Blue and Gold Day Tuesday--Fashion Disaster Day Wednesday--The Old or The New Day Thursday--Mathlete or Athlete Day Friday--PJ Day

Posted: February 12, 2012

Beginning February 13, 2012 BHS will be taking orders for BHS Bullying Awareness T-shirts.  The t-shirts will display the winning design by grade 7 student Riley Keenan.  The t-shirt will cost $10.00 and must be paid for when ordering.  The t-shirts will be ready for Pink Shirt Day on February 29.  Youth and adult sizes are available and sizing can be done at the school.  ALL ORDERS MUST BE IN BY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2012.

Posted: December 6, 2011

The High School Christmas formal will be held in the Cafeteria. The dance will be from 8-11 pm on Friday, December 9. All students must be at the school by 9:15.

Posted: October 19, 2011

All grade 9 students received information regarding the "Take Our Kids to Work" program today. This will take place on November 2, 2011. All grade 9 students across Canada will be participating in this very successful event. All grade 9 students are required to find their own work placement. Please fill in the form your son/daughter brought home today and return this form to Mrs. Jennifer Underhill on Monday, October 24. I have attached a link to a video to provide more information about this program. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sherrard at 843-2900.

Posted: October 17, 2011

Immunization forms were sent home today with ALL grade 9 students. This immunization is to prevent your child from getting the meningitis disease, so it is a very important immunization. PLEASE return these forms to the school TOMORROW as the Public Health nurse will be here to pick them up. 9U - return to Mrs. Jennifer Underhill during homeroom. 9T - return to Mr. Grattan during Science.


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