Brittany Hayne - Saint Mary's University - Renewable Entrance Scholarship -
$1000 per year
University of New Brunswick - Governor Thomas Carleton
Scholarship - $1000.00
Noah Hallihan - University of New Brunswick - Ward Chipman Founder's
Scholarship - $500
Congratulations to all of our
Choir and Band students and vocal soloists who gave a fabulous performance at
our annual Choir and Band Spring Concert held on the evening of Tuesday, May
26, 2015. A special thanks to Graham Manderville and Brooke Underhill who did
an excellent job as emcees at our program.
We would also like to extend our thanks to Mr. Buggie, Mrs. Pamela Underhill, Mrs. Twila Sturgeon, Mrs.
Sobey, and other staff, students and parents who assisted at the concert. It was greatly appreciated!
Blackville School will be presenting
its annual Choir and Band Spring Concert
on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the
school cafeteria. This concert will
feature performances by the Blackville
Elementary Choir, the Blackville
School Girls’ Choir, the Blackville
School Jazz Band along with the Grade
9U Band Class, and various vocal
Beverages, fudge, and
tickets on a 50/50 draw will be sold at the canteen during the concert.
Admission is at the door: Adults
$5.00 and Students $2.00. All choir
The Middle and High School Drama Clubs will be presenting
their plays on Thursday, May 14 at 7 pm in the cafeteria. Admission will be $2 for students and $5 for
adults. The Middle School will be presenting “The Happiness Shop”
and the High School Drama Club will be presenting “Cinderella and the
Substitute Fairy Godmother.”Come out and enjoy a fun filled evening of Drama."