Posted: November 12, 2021
See attached “Weekly Agenda for links and Videos”
Welcome to Home Learning
Bienvenue à Apprendre à la maison
4/5 Duffy
Quiz de Mots Fréquents:use your Hilroy scribbler or a piece of loose leaf and set your page up like you would at school. Remember the date, Liste 6 and there are 7 words. Try your best to make it like a real quiz. I will read each word to and repeat all words at the end.
***Those with limited internet access, have someone in your home read each word to you and try your best to make it like a real quiz.
Reading: I have recorded guided reading books, and students can continue to work on the book they have at home or those who picked up supplies at school can choose a new book from the bag (make sure the title is below).
Those with chapter books, will work on chapters 1-3 this week.
Je Lis: Students can log in to Je Lis and access books at their level. Students’ usernames are attached below, the password is red1.
I would ask that students be respectful of others and only log in to their own account. This website can also be used for daily reading.
Un feu sur la colline de Joujouville
Un amerissage d’urgence ch 1-2 et ch 3-4
Des insectes pour le petit-déjeuner
Book Report/Compte Rendue de livre:In your home learning packet, there is a book report sheet (see attachments-Je Lis Book Report). Choose a book you have read this week, either your guided reading book or a book from Je Lis and complete the sheet. The video will walk you through each question and I have attached a copy in English to help parents.
Sound activity “OU” : In your home learning packet there is a sheet “Le Son OU” (see attachments below).
Listen to video andcircle all “son ou” on the page.
Go to your agenda and get your Mots Fréquents sheets, find other words with the “son ou” on these sheets. Write the words on the two lines provided or anywhere on your page.
***For those with limited access to internet, use your Mots Fréquents sheets and write all the words that have the “son ou” in your scribbler or on loose leaf.
Mots Fréquents sheets are also attached below.
Gr 4: Review of adding and subtracting lesson 1: Watch the video for lesson 1 on adding and subtracting with regrouping.
Complete work sheet(s) found in home learning packet or below (adding and subtracting review 1). There are two worksheets for this lesson, you can complete 6 questions from each.
Gr 5: La capaciter lesson 2 and worksheet. Listen to the video for lesson 2 on capacity, this is a continuation of lesson 1.
When done, complete worksheets (capacity 2 and capacity 3) found in the home learning pack or in attachments.
Grade 4 and 5: Study multiplication facts for x7 (PDF in attachments)
Multiplication Flash Cards – try to beat the clock.
***For those with limited internet access, you can work on any sheet located in your home learning pack and study multiplication facts.
English Literacy
Grade 4 see Ms. Shaddick’s teacher page.
Grade 5 see Ms. Clark’s teacher page.
Social and Emotional
These are just extra activities for those who are interested. It is not a requirement for home learning. They are just fun activities to get you moving and grooving!
Today I suggested watching some French Television. Try Radio Canada Jeunesse or The Magic School Bus on YouTube.
Shout out # 1 goes out to Ayden Crockerfor his amazing “Thank You / Merci” during the Virtual Remembrance Day ceremony. Way to go!
Shout out # 2 goes to Zoe Kelly and Kate Sturgeon for doing a great job laying the wreath during our virtual Remembrance Day ceremony.
Shout out # 3 goes to Kate Sturgeon and Kendra O’Keefe for e-mailing their artwork to be posted on my teacher page. You can see Kendra’s “Sleeping Fox” and Kate’s “Poppies” in my photo gallery.