Posted: May 11, 2020
Law 120
This week's home learning topics include:
- Search & Arrest Warrants
- The Legal Process
- Court Procedure - Officers of the Court
- I might suggest that you start with Week 6b - Legal Process & Court Procedure; it is a reasonable amount of reading and the only work for you to do is complete 2 small 'Check Your Understanding' matching exercises.
- Week 6a - Search & Arrest Warrants has a fair amount of reading and an activity that IS NOT FOR SUBMISSION called 'Legal Process: Case Studies.' These Case studies all have questions associated that I would like you to think about and attempt to answer; you may check your answers against the last document I've attached, "Week 6a - Search & Arrest Warrants - expert opinion"
- There IS an assignment to hand in, however for Week 6a about Search & Arrest Procedures.