Law 120 - April 6th, 2020

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hello folks...all eight of you who were enrolled in this class. I miss starting my mornings with you guys but we'll have to make do online. I'll be providing material for you to read/view over the week. It is borrowed from the New Brunswick Virtual Learning Centre.

The way things will work is I will post work for the week every Monday. I promise it really won't be much; less is more. The provincial guideline has suggested for high school courses about 3 hours of work per week per course.

I'm looking to pick up where we left off looking at the Division of Powers among Federal, Provincial, and Municipial governments. The PDF attached has a:


-a Self-Assessment I'd like forwarded back to me via email;

-some webpages for further reading on the topic and,

-an assignment to cap off the topic


Take care out there and feel free to reach out via email anytime during the week. I'll be available 8:30am - 3:30pm everyday but I might even be able to respond to emails in the evenings on occassion.